The nanoGUNE facilities are managed by specialists and used by researchers from a wide variety of fields.
NanoGUNE's External-Services department offers a wide range of characterization and fabrication services to external users, both academic and industrial.
NanoGUNE's equipment is presented below.
Ion Beam Etcher (4Wave)
Quantum Design SQUID-VSM EverCool
ALD Cambridge Nanotech Savannah S100
Leica EM MED020 / Quorum technologies Q150 T ES
Electron-Beam Lithography (Raith -150-TWO / E-line)
Dual-beam FIB/SEM - FEI Helios Nanolab / FEI Helios 450S
Atomic-Force Microscope (AFM 5500 Agilent/Nano observer CSI Instruments)
X-ray reflectivity/diffractometry (X'pert PRO by PANalytical)
Quantum Design PPMS
Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) set-up
Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) microscope
UHV Sputtering System (AJA Int.)
Oerlikon - UNIVEX 350 / EPVD75 Kurt J. Lesker
Reactive ion etcher (RIE Oxford Plasmalab 80 Plus)
Spectroscopic ellipsometrer (GES5 spectroscopic-ellipsometer SEMILAB)
RAMGRABER Wet benches
Double Pack Oven, 650ºC UNITEMP RSO-650-200
ALD Beneq TFS 200
Mask aligner (EVG)
FTIR Spectrometer PerkinElmer Frontier
Environmental Scanning-electron Microscope (eSEM-FEI Quanta 250)
High power industrial Picosecond Laser
High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscope (HRTEM)
Four point probe
STM/AFM (4 K) in UHV with light detection set-up
STM/AFM (1 K) in UHV with magnetic field
3D Optical Profiler
Surface Plasmon Resonance Platform
NIR Raman spectroscopy
Atomic-Force Microscope (AFM 5500 Agilent/Nano observer CSI Instruments)
FTIR Spectrometer PerkinElmer Frontier
Scattering-type near-field microscope (NeaSpec)
Plasma asher
Microscopy Platform for Materials Research
UV-NIR Spectrometry
Scattering-type near-field microscope (Neaspec)
Direct Laser Writer
The nanoGUNE cleanroom, dedicated to fabricate and characterize the properties of materials on the nanoscale, ia a 300m2 laboratory where the air purity is under strict supervision.
Facilities & Equipment
A unique infrastructure of 6 200 m2 was set up to host a cleanroom of nearly 300m2 and 15 ultra-sensitive laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment.