Business news

  • The international call launched by CIC nanoGUNE, BerriUp, Graphenea, Fomento San Sebastián and BIC Gipuzkoa, seeks revolutionary ideas that tackles the potential of graphene in industrial and technological applications. The two winning companies will benefit from a tailored four-month training and acceleration program, with access to resources provided by the organizing entities.

  • Quantum Motion will establish in Euskadi through an agreement with CIC nanoGUNE. The goal will be scientific-industrial collaboration to design the first silicon quantum chip. 

  • Through a joint effort, CIC nanoGUNE, BerriUp, Graphenea, Fomento de San Sebastián and BIC Gipuzkoa are seeking revolutionary ideas that harness the potential of graphene in industrial and technological applications. Entrepreneurs and companies wishing to take part must present their own original projects from 13 September to 13 October 2024. The organizing entities offer a unique set of resources to support the selected projects. 

  • The Basque nanoscience research center opens a new group for the development of quantum hardware.

    A new tower will be built, which will be housing the laboratories of the new group and also a leading scale-up company in quantum technologies.

    NanoGUNE will be developing in San Sebastian chips for the construction of quantum computers based on semiconductor technology.

  • MYRUNS ENGINEERING SPORTS, SL (MYRUNS), a Basque company led by its founder and largest shareholder, Xabier García Roldán, and dedicated to the development of solutions for the digitalization of companies using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, has acquired 80% of the also Basque Evolgene Genomics, a spin-off of nanoGUNE.

  • NanoGUNE has joined the Basque Microelectronics Hub (BMH) as a key player in the basque electronics industry to transfer our knowledge to the closest industrial fabric, in order to support the advances the sector requires in the Basque Country.

  • At nanoGUNE this morning CIC nanoGUNE and BIC Gipuzkoa analyzed the outcomes of the collaboration between both organizations over the last four years. Jose Maria Pitarke, director of nanoGUNE, and Marisa Arriola, managing director of BIC Gipuzkoa, highlighted the success of the enhancement program to generate new innovation projects and new enterprises, and with respect to the four projects developed jointly, they predicted a significant economic and social impact of nanotechnologies applied to the biomedical sector.  

  • The granting of three patents plus an additional three new patent applications considerably enrich CIC nanoGUNE's industrial property portfolio. The center currently has 25 patent applications in the fields of health, optics, materials science and electronics, all at the nanoscale, of course. In addition, 17 patents have been licensed to companies for commercial exploitation purposes.

  • NanoGUNE has a team specialized in cutting-edge technology for the characterization of materials and components able to zoom-in from the surface to the nanoscale. These tools and the analyses they enable are of great interest to the advanced manufacturing sector, which can benefit from them to improve products and production processes. 

  • CIC nanoGUNE —the Basque nanoscience research center—, BerriUP —a startup accelerator in Donostia-San Sebastian—,  Graphenea —nanoGUNE’s first startup devoted to the production and marketing of graphene— and Fomento San Sebastian —municipal economic development body in Donostia-San Sebastian— have signed a collaboration agreement to drive forward proposals relating to research into graphene. So they are launching Global Graphene Call II, which is designed to develop business ideas linked to graphene.