Nanomaterials - 2024ko argitalpenak
1. S. Bayrak and H. Gergeroglu
Food Chemistry 440, 138257 (2024)
Graphene-based biosensors in milk analysis: A review of recent developments
2. M. Fenero, O. Yurkevich, H. Grande, E. García-Lecina, A. Viñuales, M. Knez and J. Palenzuela
Applied Surface Science 659, 159800 (2024)
Robust multifunctional coatings with omniphobic and antistatic properties to repel liquids and solid particles
3. N. Chamorro, I. Azpitarte, M. Autore, H. Ablat, I. Jankovic, I. Amenabar, C. Tollan, P. Vavassori, R. Hillenbrand, S. Elliott and M. Knez
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 6, 10592 (2024)
Matrix Doping of ZnO and In2O3 in Para-Aramid via Vapor Phase Infiltration for Enhanced Electronic Properties
4. K. Ashurbekova and M. Knez
Advanced Materials Interfaces 12, (2024)
Atomic Layer Processing (ALP): Ubi es et Quo Vadis?
5. I. Abanades Lazaro, A. Anastasaki, H. Ardona, M. Arguilla, A. Bati, M. Batmunkh, Q. Besford, M. Browne, S. Bryant, M. Carlotti, C. Contini, C. Delaney, E. Draper, A. Elbourne, J. Evans, L. Florea, A. Forner-Cuenca, A. Forse, M. Gonzalez, S. Krause, H. Lee, M. Lerch, S. Liu, N. Lopez-Salas, F. Martin-Martinez, C. Pezzato, L. Protesescu, F. Schaufelberger, P. Pascual, A. Sierra Fernandez, W. Tarpeh, G. Vile, L. von Krbek, H. Wang, T. Wu, C. Wells and S. Cranford
Matter 7, 3699 (2024)
35 challenges in materials science being tackled by PIs under 35(ish) in 2024
6. R. Parkhomenko, I. Igumenov, S. Hadjadj, S. Trubin and M. Knez
Nanoscale 17, 2318 (2024)
ALD and CVD deposition of pure thin gold films from a stable dimethylgold(<sc>iii</sc>) precursor