Azken albisteak
Nanomaterialen garapena ondare kulturala zaintzeko
Aranzazu Sierra Fernández Materialen Zientzia eta Ingeniaritzako doktoreak “la Caixa” Fundazioaren doktoretza osteko Junior Leader beka lortu du, CIC nanoGUNEko Nanomaterialak taldean ondare kulturala zaintzeko metodologia berriak aztertzeko ikerketaren esparruan aurrera egiteko. Proiektuaren helburua da…
CIC nanoGUNE ikerketa-zentroan garatutako teknologia batek berrikuntza sustatzen du ehungintza-sektorean
CIC nanoGUNE nanozientziaren euskal ikerketa-zentroa ehungintzako zuntzak eta ehunak funtzionalizatzeko teknika espezifikoak garatzen ari da. Nanomaterialen taldeak zuzentzen duen etorkizun handiko ikerketa-ildo hau Elkarteken proiektu batean kokatzen da, eta, nanoGUNErekin batera, beste bi erakunde hauek parte…
Ireki da udako praktika programan izena emateko epea
Oksana Yurkevich, best oral presentation award at NANO2022
CIC nanoGUNEk patente-zorroa handitu du
Berriki lortutako hiru patentek eta beste hiru patente-eskaera berrik nabarmen aberastu dute CIC nanoGUNEren industria-jabetzaren zorroa. Gaur egun, zentroak 25 patente aurkeztuta ditu osasunaren, optikaren, materialen zientziaren eta elektronikaren arloetan; hori bai, nanoeskalan. Gainera, 17 patente enpresetara…
Oksana Yurkevich, first place winner in SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation 2022
Andoni Rodriguez-Abetxuko, best PhD talk at NG Biocatalysis Symposium
Kautxua optimizatzeko elkarlanean dihardute CIC nanoGUNEk eta CIKAUTXOk
Technology offering the optimisation of polymer´s properties is now protected as part of nanoGUNE´s IP portfolio
The nanomaterials group in nanoGUNE, led by Mato Knez, has developed a new technology called SCIP that allows an improvement of the mechanical properties of polymers. The technology can be directly applied to functionalize textile, opening new perspectives in product development in the sports/fashion or personal…
nanoGUNE PhD Workshop 2020
Unibertsitateko ikasleek udako praktikak egiteko deialdi berria egin du CIC nanoGUNEk
New uses for an innovative coating technique
The results in brief of the EU-funded ALDing project, published at CORDIS, highlight the importance of the project to boost nanoGUNE's start-up CTECHnano.
Itsasoetan plastikoen presentzia murrizteko eta saihesteko erronka soziala eztabaidagai
Gure ozeanoetan dagoen itsas-zabor guztiaren artean, plastikoak gero eta ugariagoak dira, eta itsas-ekosistemei eta geuri ere eragiten digu. Horrenbestez, ahal den neurrian, eragin horiek ulertu, saihestu eta neutralizatu egin beharko lirateke. Horregatik, CIC nanoGUNE nanozientziako euskal zentroak Plastics in our…
UPV/EHUko, Tecnuneko, UABko eta UBko ikasleek udako praktikak CIC nanoGUNEn egingo dituzte
Apply for a Basque PhD grant with nanoGUNE
NanoGUNE, located at the Ibaeta Campus of the UPV/EHU in Donostia – San Sebastián, offers PhD opportunities to graduates in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and related areas to get their PhD degree.
Nanoparticles act as enzymes
The result in brief of the EU project ARTEN, lead by Mato Knez (leader of the Nanomaterials group at nanoGUNE) are now available at CORDIS.
Gazte ikertzaileak trebatzeko Europako bi proiektutan hartuko du parte CIC nanoGUNEk
2018ko urtarriletik aurrera, elektronika kuantikoko eta estaldura hibridoetako bi proiektu berritan hartuko du parte nanoGUNEk, Europako programa lehiakorrenetako batean: Europar Batasuneko Trebakuntza Sareak, Initial Training Networks (ITN). Horri esker, ia milioi-erdi euro jasoko ditu zentroak, proiektu…
Udako Praktika Programa: Deialdia zabalik otsailaren 5-a arte
Functionalization of nanomaterials by atomic layer deposition, PhD thesis by Fan Yang
Fan Yang, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanomaterials Group at CIC nanoGUNE, received her PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of her thesis project on 10th October 2016. His research work, entitled “Functionalization of nanomaterials by atomic layer deposition", has been…
Itxasne Azpitartek jasoko du Master in New Materials masterreko ikasle onenaren saria
NanoGUNE bekak: master ikasleentzako deialdia zabaldu da
CTECHnano, nahierarako konponbideak industriarentzat
Irtenbide berriak garatzen ditu CIC nanoGUNEren ekimenez sortu den CTHECnano enpresak Materialen propietateak aldatzeko aukera ematen du ALD teknologiak (Atomic Layer Deposition) Material batek berariazko propietateak behar dituenean aplikatzen da teknologia horiETP Nanomedicine Annual Event 2014
NanoGUNE hosts more than 120 experts in nanotechnology and medicine at the 2014 Annual Event & General Assembly of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN). The ETPN event has taken place on 15 and 16 October 2014, co-organized by the nanoBasque Agency (SPRI) and nanoGUNE, the Basque Nanoscience…
Review on diffusion phenomena in ALD, highlighted by Semiconductor Science and Technology
Semiconductor Science and Technology has selected Mato Knez’s review on Diffusion phenomena in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) as a highlight of 2012. The magazine’s annual selection by the Editorial Board “represents the breadth and excellence of the work published in 2012. All articles were selected for their…
Mato Knez: "Nanomaterials with practical applications in the Basque industry"
[Published at] Technology has evolved so much recently that Basque consumers take for granted that within a few years they will be able to purchase televisions, tablets and computers with ultrafine flexible screens that will be able to be rolled up.
Waveguides: Bottom-Up Tailoring of Plasmonic Nanopeapods Making Use of the Periodical Topography of Carbon Nanocoil Templates
The journal Advanced Functional Materials (Wiley VCH) has highlighted the article published by Q. Yong et al. (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22, 5157; DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201201791) on the back cover of their current issue. The published work is the result of an international collaboration of nanoGUNE’s Nanomaterials…
SMALL: Enhanced Catalytic Activity for Methanol Electro-oxidation
The Nanomaterials research group at nanoGUNE, led by Dr. Mato Knez, in collaboration with scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Max Plank Institute of Microstructure Physics, describes in a recent article [ X. Tong et al., Small, 8, 22, 3390 (2012)] the results of a collaborative study on the high…
Mato Knez receives Gaede Prize
Mato Knez, leader of the Nanomaterials Group at nanoGUNE and Ikerbasque Research Professor, received the Gaede Prize of the German Vacuum Society at the annual meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG) in Berlin on March 27th, 2012. The award was issued for his outstanding contributions to the research on and…
Mato Knez, new nanoGUNE Nanomaterials Group Leader
Starting on 1 January, Dr. Mato Knez, coming from the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle (Germany), has taken on his new responsibilities as Ikerbasque Research Professor and Leader of the Nanomaterials Group at nanoGUNE.
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