Research Lines
The Nanomaterials group is led by Dr. Mato Knez. The activity of the Nanomaterials group is focused on the synthesis and functionalization of materials. Its research programme has been divided into thin-film coating, hybrid inorganic-organic materials, and bio-organic nanomaterials.
Nanomaterials Equipment
Experimental work in the Nanomaterials group is performed by means of equipment specially dedicated to our research lines. The group has also access to nanoGUNE's common facilities and equipment, including a cleanroom of nearly 300 m2 and the Electron-Microscopy Laboratory.
Experimental work in the Nanomaterials group is performed by means of equipment specially dedicated to our research lines. The group has also access to nanoGUNE's common facilities and equipment, including a cleanroom of nearly 300 m2 and the Electron-Microscopy Laboratory.
Nanomaterialak news
Mikel Jauregi sailburua Quantum Motion-en izan da Euskadin ezartzeko erabakiaren ostean
Quantum Motion-ek Euskadin ezarriko da CIC nanoGUNErekin egindako akordio baten bidez. Helburua lankidetza zientifiko-industriala izango da, siliziozko lehen txip kuantikoa diseinatzeko.
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