Egizu bat nanogunerekin

NanoGUNEk bere programa zientifikoan parte hartuko duten pertsona trebe eta gogotsuak bilatzen ditu, elkarlana, teknologia transferentzia eta zientzia gizarteratzeko misioarekin bat egiteko prest daudenak. Honela, senior eta junior ikertzaileak, doktoretza egin dutenak edo egiten daudenak, graduatzera doazen ikasleak, goi mailako ikasketak dituzten teknikariak eta administraziorako eta beste motako lanetarako kideak batzen ditu.

La Caixa Fellowships

Logo Fundación La Caixa

The 'La Caixa' fellowships are some of the most attractive and complete in Europe. They are aimed at supporting the best scientific talent and fostering innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal. NanoGUNE, as a research center accredited with the María de Maeztu excellence award, is a host institution for the recipients of these grants. 

  • Postdoctoral Junior Leader fellowships program [Call for 2022 now OPEN. Deadline 7 October]
  • Doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT ”la Caixa” Foundation

HR Mailing list

If you would like to receive information related to nanoGUNE's open positions and open calls for different training and talent attraction programs, you can subscribe to our HR mailing list

Welcome to nanoGUNE!

Any change, even for the better, requires our efforts. At nanoGUNE we welcome you and accompany you during this process to make your arrival as easy as possible. Here you can find some information about Life@ Donostia/San Sebastian and nanoGUNE

CV mailbox

This is an open mailbox to send your CV to our database. Nevertheless, according to our recruitment policy, please notice that your CV will not be considered by default for our open positions and that you should send your application in case you are interested in a specific open position.