Azken albisteak

  • Review Article Highlights 25 Years of Modern Near-field Optical Nanoimaging

    A newly published review article in Nature Reviews Materials highlights the groundbreaking impact of scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM), a technique that surpasses the diffraction limit to achieve nanoscale optical imaging across a broad spectral range. Authored by leading experts in…

  • Scientists synthesize 2D polyaniline crystal with unique metallic out-of-plane conductivity

    In a recent study published in Nature, an international team of researchers in which nanoGUNE scientists participate has developed a groundbreaking two-dimensional conducting polymer—polyaniline (2DPANI)—that exhibits exceptional electrical conductivity and metallic charge transport behavior. Unlike conventional…

  • María Barrak Nanolito saria jaso du bere Doktoretza Tesiagatik

    Espainiako Nanolitografia Sareak Nanolito saria eman dio nanoGUNEko María Barra ikertzaileari bere tesiarengatik, Micro and Nano Fabrication of Structures for Light-Matter Interaction izenburuarekin.

  • Edoardo Vicentini, Bernard J. Couillaud 2023 sariaren irabazlea

    “Benetan eskertzen dut Bernard J. Couillaud saria jasotzea Laser Ultraazkarretan.” 

  • CIC nanoGUNEk Eremu Hurbileko Nanoskopia Optikoaren lehen Udako Eskola antolatu du

    «Nanoirudi optikoak hartzeko tresnak garatu genituenean —s-SNOM eta nano-FTIR—, ez nuen pentsatzen halako aplikazio-potentzial handia izango zutenik», dio Rainer Hillenbrand Ikerbasque irakasleak, ikerketa-arlo horren bilakaerari buruz galdetutakoan. Aste honetan, ekainaren 6tik 9ra, nanoGUNEk Ensemble 3 eta…

  • Researchers observe extremely squeezed directional THz waves in thin semiconductor crystals

    An international team of scientists from the Basque research center CIC nanoGUNE, Shanghai University for Science and Technology, Fudan University (Shanghai), Brno University of Technology, University of the Basque Country, Materials Physics Center (CSIC-UPV/EHU), Donostia International Physics Center and the Max…

  • Ireki da udako praktika programan izena emateko epea

    NanoGUNEko ikertzaileekin batera 2 hilabetez ikerketa-proiektu errealetan aritzeko aukera izango dute unibertsitateko ikasleek. 2023ko otsailaren 12ra arteko epea dago eskaerak bidaltzeko.

  • Researchers develop an innovative strategy to focus infrared light into the nanoscale

    An international team of researchers, including members of nanoGUNE's Nanooptics group, publish in “Science Advances” the grounds for the realization of nanodevices that, based on the manipulation of light at the nanoscale, promise the development of extraordinarily sensitive biosensors. The researchers also…

  • Review: Interface nano-optics with van der Waals polaritons

    An international team, including the leader of the Nanooptics group at nanoGUNE, Rainer Hillenbrand, discusses in ‘Nature’  the state-of-the-art and opportunities for controlling the propagation of nanolight (in form of polaritons) in van der Waals materials with the help of classical refractive optics…

  • Review: Nanoscale terahertz scanning probe microscopy

    Four international experts, including the leader of the Nanooptics group at nanoGUNE Rainer Hillenbrand, analyze in ‘Nature Photonics’ the terahertz scanning probe microscopy techniques that achieve spatial resolution on the scale of micrometres to ångströms, with particular emphasis on their overarching approaches…

  • Understanding nanolight refraction on highly anisotropic materials

    An international team of researchers, including members of nanoGUNE's Nanooptics group, unveils in ‘Nature Communications’ fundamental aspects of nanolight refraction in highly anisotropic media. The researchers also report the design of a new planar nanolens 1000 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair,…

  • CIC nanoGUNEk argiari buruz egindako ikerketa bat Nature Photonics aldizkariaren azala

    CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaileek, Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) eta Oviedoko Unibertsitatearekin lankidetzan, nanoirudi espektroskopikoko teknika bat erabili zuten nanoargi infragorriak —polaritoi foniko gisa —eta bibrazio molekularrak nola elkarreragiten duten aztertzeko. Orain, lan hori Nature…

  • Nanopartikulak botikak garraiatzeko

    Donostiako CIC nanoGUNE eta KUSUDAMA Therapeutics SL zentroak lankidetzan ari dira banakako nanopartikuletan botiken edo farmakoen karga errealaren neurketa aztertzen, biriketako zenbait gaitz tratatzeko.

  • Vibrational Encounters – Phonon Polaritons Meet Molecules

    Researchers from CIC nanoGUNE BRTA (San Sebastian, Spain), in collaboration with the Donostia International Physics Center (San Sebastián, Spain) and the University of Oviedo (Spain) employed a spectroscopic nanoimaging technique to study how infrared nanolight - in form of phonon polaritons - and molecular…

  • nanoGUNE reaches new depths in infrared nanospectroscopy

    Researchers from the Nanooptics Group at CIC nanoGUNE demonstrate that nanoscale infrared imaging – which is established as a surface-sensitive technique – can be employed for chemical nanoidentification of materials that are located up to 100 nm below the surface. The results further show that the infrared…

  • Nola manipulatu argia nanoeskalan frekuentzia-tarte zabaletan

    Oviedoko Unibertsitateko eta Nanomaterial eta Nanoteknologiako Ikerketa Zentroko (CINN-CSIC) ikertzaileek gidatutako nazioarteko talde batek metodo eraginkor bat aurkitu du nanoeskalan konfinatutako argiaren maiztasuna kontrolatzeko. Emaitzak duela gutxi argitaratu ziren Nature Materialsen. Kolaboratzaileen artean…

  • CIC nanoGUNE works on infrared sensing and photodetectors within GrapheneCore3

    The Nanooptics Group of CIC nanoGUNE is involved in the Work Package 8: Photonics and Optoelectronics in the Graphene Flagship Core 3 project, the fourth funding cycle of the €1 Billion research initiative funded by the European Commission. The mission of Work Package Photonics and Optoelectronics is to develop GRM…

  • nanoGUNE PhD Workshop 2020

    The PhD researchers of nanoGUNE have organized a one-day event to celebrate the 11th anniversary of nanoGUNE. The workshop has consisted of three sessions: Spin-off inside and outside of nanoGUNE, Escape the lab, and a poster session.

  • Unibertsitateko ikasleek udako praktikak egiteko deialdi berria egin du CIC nanoGUNEk

    CIC nanoGUNEk Udako Praktika Programan parte hartzeko urteroko deialdia zabaldu berri du; aukera paregabea eskaintzen die unibertsitateko ikasleei, punta-puntako ikerketa-zentro bateko jarduera bertatik bertara ezagutzeko.

  • Researchers discover directional and long-lived nanolight in a 2D material

    An international team led by researchers from Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), University of Oviedo (Asturias, Spain), CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastián, Spain), and Soochow University (Suzhou, China) discover squeezed light ('nanolight') in the nanoscale that propagates only in specific directions along thin…

  • UPV/EHUko, Tecnuneko, UABko eta UBko ikasleek udako praktikak CIC nanoGUNEn egingo dituzte

  • Apply for a Basque PhD grant with nanoGUNE

    NanoGUNE, located at the Ibaeta Campus of the UPV/EHU in Donostia – San Sebastián, offers PhD opportunities to graduates in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and related areas to get their PhD degree.

  • Phononic SEIRA - Enhancing light-molecule interactions via crystal lattice vibrations

    Researchers from CIC-nanoGUNE (San Sebastián, Spain), in collaboration with the Donostia International Physics Center (San Sebastián, Spain), Materials Physics Center (CFM, CSIC-UPV/EHU, San Sebastián, Spain) and University of Oviedo demonstrate a new way to strongly couple infrared light and molecular vibrations,…

  • Argia “hankaz gora” jarri du euskal ikertzaile-talde batek

    CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaile batzuek, Donostia International Physics Centerrekin (DIPC) eta Kansas Estatuko Unibertsitatearekin (AEB) lankidetzan, “metagainazal hiperboliko” izeneko gainazalaren garapena argitaratu dute Science aldizkari ospetsuan. Gainazal horretatik, argi-uhinak forma erabat…

  • Boron nitride nanoresonators for phonon-enhanced molecular vibrational spectroscopy at the strong coupling limit

    An accepted paper at Light-Science & Applications

  • NewsTest


  • Ultra-compact phase modulators based on graphene plasmons

    A collaborative group of researchers achieve light phase modulation with a footprint 30 times smaller than the light wavelength.

  • Quantum nanoscope

    A collaborative work published in Science shows how electrons surf the waves of light on graphene.

  • A new dimension in chemical nanoimaging

    Researchers from the Basque institutions CIC nanoGUNE, Ikerbasque and Cidetec, and the German Robert Koch-Institut report the development of hyperspectral infrared nanoimaging. It is based on Fourier transform infrared nanospectroscopy (nano-FTIR) and enables highly sensitive spectroscopic imaging of chemical…

  • Grafenozko plasmoien detekzio elektrikoa terahertzen maiztasunetan

    Fotokorronteak nanoeskalan behatzeko teknika berri bat garatu du ikerketzaile-talde batek, eta grafenozko fotodetektagailu batean ikaragarri konprimatuta dauden uhin elektromagnetikoak (plasmoiak) terahertzen maiztasunetan behatzeko erabili dute. Plasmoiek uhin-luzera izugarri motza izateak, batetik, eta eremu oso…

  • Graphene does double duty for plasmons

    A study by ICFO, CIC nanoGUNE, Columbia University and the National Institute for Materials Science in Japan published in Nature Materials demonstrates how graphene can be employed simultaneously as both a plasmonic medium and detector.

  • CENTINELA proiektuak Inspire programa irabazi du

    Aste honetan, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Ekonomiaren Garapen eta Lehiakortasun Sailarekin duen hitzarmenaren lehen balantzea aurkeztu du Petronorrek, bai eta Inspire berrikuntza irekiaren programaren hiru proiektu irabazleak ere. Proiektu irabazleetako bat da CENTINELA proiektua, Materialen Fisikako Zentroak, CIC…

  • NanoGUNEko ikertzaileek zuzendu dute Nature Photonics aldizkariko azalean argitaratutako grafenoari buruzko ikerketa

    CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaileek, ICFOrekin eta Graphenea enpresarekin elkarlanean, argi infragorria ikusi dute lehen aldiz grafenozko nanoegituretan. Fotodetektagailuak, sentsoreak eta bestelako nanogailu optoelektroniko eta fotoniko efiziente eta izugarri txikiak egiteko bide berriak ireki ditu lanak. Nature…

  • Nanolight at the edge

    Researchers from CIC nanoGUNE, in collaboration with ICFO and Graphenea, have demonstrated how infrared light can be captured by nanostructures made of graphene. This happens when light couples to charge oscillations in the graphene. The resulting mixture of light and charge oscillations – called plasmon - can be…

  • New tool for non-invasive quality control of graphene devices

    Researchers from the Nanooptics group at CIC nanoGUNE in collaboration with colleagues at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Catalunya) developed a new non-invasive room-temperature technique for graphene device characterization. This work has been funded by the EC Graphene Flagship and was recently…

  • Argia moteltzen nanoeskalan

    Hutsean, abiadura berean mugitzen da beti argia, segundoko 300 milioi metro baino gutxixeagoan. Ingurunez aldatuz gero, ordea, abiadura ere aldatu egin daiteke. "Hiperbolikoak" deritzen material oso berezi batzuetan argia nola hedatzen den ikertu dute CIC nanoGUNEn (zehazki, boro nitruroko geruza oso fin batzuetan…

  • NanoGUNE bekak: master ikasleentzako deialdia zabaldu da

    UPV/EHUko Nanozientzia eta Material Berrien Masterren titulazioetako ikasleei zuzendutako 4 beka eskaintzen ditu nanoGUNEk, ikerketa zentroko taldeen baitan master tesia egin nahi duten ikasleei zuzenduta.

  • Nanoscale Infrared Near-Field Spectroscopy, PHD thesis by Florian Huth

    Florian Huth, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanooptics Group at nanoGUNE, receives his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Monday 25 May 2015. Hir research work, entitled Nanoscale Infrared Near-Field Spectroscopy", has been developed under the…

  • 2014 Ludwig-Genzel saria Rainer Hillenbrandi

    * 2008az geroztik, nanozientzia ikertzeko euskal zentroa den CIC nanoGUNEko Nanooptika taldeko buru da Hillenbrand

    * "Eremu hurbileko espektroskopia infragorriko diseinuagatik eta garapenagatik" eman ,diote saria, eta "metodo espetroskopiko berri horrek natura-zientzietako zenbait alorretan ,duen…

  • Grafeno-plasmoiak, argi-izpi bat belaunaldi berriko gailuetarako

    Antenetan oinarritutako plataforma teknologiko bat garatu dute CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaileek, grafenoan zehar hedatzen den argia abiarazi eta kontrolatzeko aukera ematen duena. Aurkikuntza horrek bidea emango du gailu eta zirkuitu fotoniko oso miniaturizatuak egiteko. Frogatu dute grafenoan (zeina karbono…
  • Infragorri bidez proteina bakarreko konplexuak argitu dituzte

    Nano-FTIR teknikak bioespektroskopia infragorriaren difrakzio-muga gainditu du Teknika berritzailearen bidez proteina bakarreko konplexuen egitura sekundarioa azter daiteke
  • Journal of Optics: Special issue on graphene nanophotonics

    nanoGUNE’s researcher Alexey Nikitin, in collaboration with researchers from the Imperial College (London) and the University of Zaragoza (Spain), has participated as a “guest editor” in the Special Issue on Graphene Nanophotonics published by Journal of Optics. The Special Issue focuses on the emerging Graphene…

  • 2nd nanoIKER Workshop

    The 2nd nanoIKER Workshop took place at Tecnalia Headquarters in the Science & Technology Park of Bizkaia on June 10, 2013.

  • Nature Communications: Correlative infrared-electron nanoscopy

    A new nanoimaging method for resolving the interplay between local structure, conductivity, and chemical composition

  • Nature: Optical nano-imaging of gate-tunable graphene plasmons

    In a recent article (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature11254) researchers from the nanooptics group at nanoGUNE, in collaboration with researchers from ICFO and IQFR-CSIC, report the launch and detection of propagating optical plasmons in tapered graphene nanostructures using near-field scattering microscopy with infrared…

  • “Infrared Nanophotonics based on Metal Antennas and Transmission Lines” NanoGUNE's first PhD Thesis defended by Martin Schnell

    Martin Schnell, Pre-doctoral researcher at the Nanooptics Group, got his Doctor Degree at the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project last Monday 19 March. His research work achieved the maximum qualification (cum laude) after the defense and assessment of his work by an…

  • Nature Communications: Resolving the electromagnetic mechanism of surface-enhanced light scattering at single hot spots

    In a recent article (P. Alonso-González, et al., Nat. Commun. 3, 684) researchers from the nanooptics and the nanodevices groups at nanoGUNE provide experimental evidence that the intensity elastically scattered off the object scales with the fourth power of the local field enhancement provided by the antenna, and…

  • Nanooptics article winner in the CeNS Publication Award 2011

    The article “Infrared-Spectroscopic Nanoimaging with a Thermal Source” a collaborative work between researchers of the nanooptics groups and Neaspec GmbH has been awarded the Publication Award 2011 from the Center for NanoScience in Munich for their work on near-field spectroscopy with a thermal source (more info…

  • SMALL: Plasmonic Nickel Nanoantennas

    In a recent article (J.Chen at al., Small, doi: 10.1002/smll.201100640) researchers from nanoGUNE have studied the fundamental optical properties of pure nickel nanoantennas. The article has been featured on the cover of the SMALL journal (Volume 7, Issue 16) and on the materials science news site Materials Views…

  • Nature Materials: Nano-FTIR – Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy with a Thermal Source

    Researchers from the nanoscience research center CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastián, Spain) and Neaspec GmbH (Martinsried, Germany) have developed an instrument that allows for recording infrared spectra with a thermal source at a resolution that is 100 times better than in conventional infrared spectroscopy. In future,…

  • Nature Photonics: Transmission Lines for Nanofocusing of Infrared Light

    A joint cooperation between three research groups at nanoGUNE reports an innovative method to focus infrared light with tapered transmission lines to nanometer-size dimensions. This device could trigger the development of novel chemical and biological sensing tools, including ultra-small infrared spectrometers and…


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