Nanooptics - 2025eko argitalpenak

4. I. Niehues, D. Wigger, K. Kaltenecker, A. Klein-Hitpass, P. Roelli, A. Dabrowska, K. Ludwiczak, P. Tatarczak, J. Becker, R. Schmidt, M. Schnell, J. Binder, A. Wysmolek and R. Hillenbrand
Nanophotonics 14, 335 (2025)
Nanoscale resolved mapping of the dipole emission of hBN color centers with a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope

3. R. Hillenbrand, Y. Abate, M. Liu, X. Chen and D. Basov
Nature Reviews Materials , (2025)
Visible-to-THz near-field nanoscopy

2. T. Zhang, S. Chen, P. Petkov, P. Zhang, H. Qi, N. Nguyen, W. Zhang, J. Yoon, P. Li, T. Brumme, A. Alfonsov, Z. Liao, M. Hambsch, S. Xu, L. Mester, V. Kataev, B. Buechner, S. Mannsfeld, E. Zschech, S. Parkin, U. Kaiser, T. Heine, R. Dong, R. Hillenbrand and X. Feng
Nature , (2025)
Two-dimensional polyaniline crystal with metallic out-of-plane conductivity

1. M. Wagner, A. Herrero-Ruiz, E. Verde-Sesto, I. Asenjo-Sanz and L. Liz-Marzán
Chemistry of Materials 37, 644 (2025)
Influence of Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Synthesis Conditions on the Formation of Gold Nanostars
