CIC nanoGUNE joins the Basque Microelectronics Hub – BMH
NanoGUNE has joined the Basque Microelectronics Hub (BMH) as a key player in the basque electronics industry to transfer our knowledge to the closest industrial fabric, in order to support the advances the sector requires in the Basque Country.

The Basque Microelectronics Hub establishes a meeting point between the microelectronics sector and technological and institutional agents, in order to accelerate the transitions of our main production chains based on local microelectronic technologies, systems and solutions.
One of the main backbones of the research carried out at nanoGUNE is the promotion of advances in the development of nanodevices and their impact on molecular electronics, spintronics, and magnetic and photonic nanodevices. In addition, our areas of specialization position us in a privileged place for the promotion of next-generation quantum technologies.
Thus, nanoGUNE contributes both to the development of current electronics towards overcoming obstacles such as the scarcity of some of the materials on which it is based, or the reduction of the energy it demands, while opening new paths towards new paradigms such as the MESO technology being developed with the multinational Intel, or advances in the field of quantum technologies.
Two first projects in which nanoGUNE participates have now been presented in the framework of this alliance. The first one is being developed together with nanoGUNE’s spin-off Simune Atomistics, and it is focused on the optimization of quantum processes to improve energy consumption in new computing systems. The second project will be carried out together with Simune Atomistics and Evolgene - both nanoGUNE’s spin-off companies – and seeks to optimize microelectronic systems through modeling/simulation, focused on an alternative search for materials to replace copper and aluminum, and reduce silver in circuits for RFID applications.