The nanoGUNE cleanroom is dedicated to fabricate and characterize the properties of materials on the nanoscale. The cleanroom is approximately a 300m2 laboratory and contains an acoustically damped room for eBeam lithography processes.
The classification of the nanoGUNE cleanroom is ISO 5 (class 100), ISO 6 (class 1000), and ISO 7 (class 10000). The air purity is under strict supervision within the cleanroom. Air quality is controlled by Filter Fan Units except for the eBeam lithography room that has a dedicated air-handling unit.
eBeam Lithography Room

Fabrication of nanoscale structures and imaging.
Photo Bay

Optical lithography, nano-scale fabrication.
Etching Bay

Wet and dry etching operations and nanofabrication.
Deposition Bay

Growth of nanoscale film and multilayer structures and nanoscale material characterization.
Tresneria galeria
Adituek kudeatutako abangoardiako tresneria arlo anitzetako ikerlariek erabiltzen dute, mikroskopio elektronikoak, tunel-mikroskopioak, eta nanofabrikazio eta karakterizazio erremintak barne.
Azpiegitura eta tresneria
6 200m2 -ko aparteko azpiegitura, 300m2 -ko areto garbia eta 15 laborategi ultra-sentikor, puntako tresneriarekin hornituak.