OMN 2024 - Social program

OMN 2024 - Social program

In addition to the scientific activities organized for the International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, we propose different cultural and gastronomic activities with the objective of creating community among researchers in the OMN 2024. We hope you will be interested on taking part in the excursions and events that we have prepared to show you all the corners of this fantastic city.

Sunday 07/28

donostiDiscover San Sebastian!

This day we will enjoy a guided tour which will offer us the opportunity to see the most emblematic places of the city. We have organized an excursion to the Santa Clara islanddeclared 40 years ago a Historic Center of National Interest, including a visit to Hondalea, the lighthouse located at the highest point of the island.* Besides, we will have a walk around the city center and old town.

We will gather at 14:00 around the old town of San Sebastian. The exact location will be provided to the people registered for this activity some days in advance.

Capacity: 50 people

Price: 20€ VAT included (tickets must be purchased through the registration form).

*This activity may suffer changes due to weather conditions.

ayuntamientoWelcome Reception at the city hall!

In the evening, the city of San Sebastian will welcome the International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics with an event at the city hall, with the aim of bringing the researchers together in this special occasion for the development of science.



Monday 07/29

sagardoCultural dinner in Cider House

“We are our land, the land is our meaning and the cult of our traditions is the meaning of what we do”

During a fantastic dinner at Iparragirre Sagardotegia in Hernani, a cider house that has been making cider since the 15th century, the typical cider house menu will be served, based on cod omelette, fried cod with peppers, grilled T-bone steak (750g for two) and different desserts, in addition to their certified quality cider. There will also be a vegetarian menu. The OMN2024 organization provides bus transport.


Price: 65€ VAT included (tickets must be purchased through the registration form).

Tuesday 07/30

chillidalekuVisit to Chillida Leku

"One day I dreamed a utopia: to find a space where my sculptures could rest and people would walk among them as if through a forest"

Visiting Chillida Leku is a unique experience. This museum is the perfect fusion between art and nature, where the sculptures of Eduardo Chillida are integrated into the landscape. As the artist said, the visitor should walk through this space guided by the "aroma" of the works. The OMN2024 organization provides bus transport.

Capacity: 55 people (in case there were more requests to participate in this activity, we would try to enlarge the group).

Price: 35€ VAT included (tickets must be purchased through the registration form).

Wednesday 07/31

galaA great dinner in good company.

To sum up, all delegates are invited to a fantastic gala dinner at the Tenis Ondarreta Restaurant, located inside the Real Club de Tenis de San Sebastián, which has a panoramic terrace with incredible views of the bay. It will be a unparalleled opportunity to get to know other people and to have a pleasant evening.


Additional tickets can be purchased through the registration form.