Quantum-probe-microscopy - Master tesiak

1. Confocal Raman spectro-microscopy of layered materials
2014(e)ko Irailaren 17a - Morquillas Azpiazu, Nieves (UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO/EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA)

2. Probing the Effect of Magnetic Structures in Thin Superconductors
2015(e)ko Irailaren 16a - Zaldivar Fernandez, Javier (UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO/EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA)

3. Influence of Magnetic Metal-Phthalocyanine thin films on the Optoelectronic Properties of Single Layer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
2019(e)ko Uztailaren 10a - Pereira Sanchez, José Manuel (UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAÍS VASCO/EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA)
