Nanodevices - 2010eko argitalpenak

1. M. Erekhinsky, A. Sharoni, F. Casanova and I. K. Schuller
Applied Physics Letters 96, 022513 (2010)
Surface enhanced spin-flip scattering in lateral spin valves
PDF -Surface enhanced spin-flip scattering in lateral spin valves Copyright by the American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only

2. A. A. Sidorenko, C. Pernechele, P. Lupo, M. Ghidini, M. Solzi, R. De Renzi, I. Bergenti, P. Graziosi, V. Dediu, L. Hueso and A. T. Hindmarch
Applied Physics Letters 97, 162509 (2010)
Interface effects on an ultrathin Co film in multilayers based on the organic semiconductor Alq(3)
PDF -Interface effects on an ultrathin Co film in multilayers based on the organic semiconductor Alq(3) Copyright by the American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only
