2023ko argitalpenak
1. M. Quintana, C. Martín Valderrama and A. Berger
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 108, 64121 (2023)
Metamagnetic fluctuation characteristics near dynamic phase transitions
2. M. Quintana and A. Berger
Physical Review Letters 131, 116701 (2023)
Experimental Observation of Critical Scaling in Magnetic Dynamic Phase Transitions
3. C. Martín Valderrama, M. Quintana and A. Berger
Physical Review B 108, 14415 (2023)
Experimental verification of the reflection matrix description in linear magneto-optics
4. J. Ortuzar, D. Bercioux, F. Bergeret and M. Cazalilla
Physical Review B 107, 224507 (2023)
Robust spin polarization of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator heterostructures
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5. T. Biurrun, L. Abarzuza and B. Fernandez-d'Arlas
Afinidad 80, 99 (2023)
Affinity between wool keratoses and different aqueous phase ions analyzed by sedimentation
6. A. Vorfolomeeva, S. Stolyarova, I. Asanov, E. Shlyakhova, P. Plyusnin, E. Maksimovskiy, E. Gerasimov, A. Chuvilin, A. Okotrub and L. Bulusheva
Nanomaterials 13, 153 (2023)
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Red Phosphorus in Lithium-Ion Batteries: Effect of Surface and Encapsulated Phosphorus
7. X. Mu, W. Wang, C. Sun, D. Zhao, C. Ma, J. Zhu and M. Knez
Nanotechnology 34, 015709 (2023)
Greatly increased electrical conductivity of PBTTT-C14 thin film via controllable single precursor vapor phase infiltration
8. A. Reifs, I. Ortiz, A. Saa, J. Schonfelder, D. De Sancho, V. Munoz and R. Perez-Jimenez
Communications Physics 6, 7 (2023)
Compliant mechanical response of the ultrafast folding protein EnHD under force
Open access journal
9. S. Gurbatov, V. Puzikov, D. Storozhenko, E. Modin, E. Mitsai, A. Cherepakhin, A. Shevlyagin, A. Gerasimenko, S. Kulinich and A. Kuchmizhak
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 3336 (2023)
Multigram-Scale Production of Hybrid Au-Si Nanomaterial by Laser Ablation in Liquid (LAL) for Temperature-Feedback Optical Nanosensing, Light-to-Heat Conversion, and Anticounterfeit Labeling
10. N. Ontoso, C. Safeer, F. Herling, J. Ingla-Aynes, H. Yang, Z. Chi, B. Martin-Garcia, I. Robredo, M. Vergniory, F. de Juan, M. Calvo, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Physical Review Applied 19, 014053 (2023)
Unconventional Charge-to-Spin Conversion in Graphene/MoTe2 van der Waals Heterostructures
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11. B. Alonso-Lerma, Y. Jabalera, S. Samperio, M. Morin, A. Fernandez, L. Hille, R. Silverstein, A. Quesada-Ganuza, A. Reifs, S. Fernandez-Penalver, Y. Benitez, L. Soletto, J. Gavira, A. Diaz, W. Vranken, A. Sanchez-Mejias, M. Guell, F. Mojica, B. Kleinstiver, M. Moreno-Pelayo, L. Montoliu and R. Perez-Jimenez
Nature Microbiology 8, 77 (2023)
Evolution of CRISPR-associated endonucleases as inferred from resurrected proteins
12. B. Medina and R. Fernandez
Journal Of Manufacturing And Materials Processing 7, 13 (2023)
Material Behavior around the FSW/FSP Tool Described by Molecular Dynamics
13. M. Charconnet, M. Korsa, S. Petersen, J. Plou, C. Hanske, J. Adam and A. Seifert
Small Methods 7, (2023)
Generalization of Self-Assembly Toward Differently Shaped Colloidal Nanoparticles for Plasmonic Superlattices
14. D. Silva-Brea, D. De Sancho and X. Lopez
Biophysical Journal 122, 202 (2023)
Entropy-enthalpy interplay in aluminum bound neurofilaments
15. I. Niehues, L. Mester, E. Vicentini, D. Wigger, M. Schnell and R. Hillenbrand
Optics Express 31, 7012 (2023)
Identification of weak molecular absorption in single-wavelength s-SNOM images
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16. J. Teunissen, T. Jarrin, N. Richard, N. Koval, D. Santiburcio, J. Kohanoff, E. Artacho, F. Cleri and F. Da Pieve
Effect of electronic stopping in molecular dynamics simulations of collision cascades in gallium arsenide
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17. A. Blacha, K. Milowska, M. Payne, H. Greer, A. Terzyk, E. Korczeniewski, A. Cyganiuk and S. Boncel
Advanced Materials Interfaces 10, (2023)
The Origin of Amphipathic Nature of Short and Thin Pristine Carbon Nanotubes-Fully Recyclable 1D Water-in-Oil Emulsion Stabilizers
18. M. Sekhar, G. Pippia, I. Tanghe, B. Martin-Garcia, A. Rousaki, P. Vandenabeele, P. Schiettecatte, I. Moreels and P. Geiregat
Charge Carrier Dynamics in Colloidally Synthesized Monolayer MoX2 Nanosheets
19. N. Maccaferri, A. Gabbani, F. Pineider, T. Kaihara, T. Tapani and P. Vavassori
Applied Physics Letters 122, 120502 (2023)
Magnetoplasmonics in confined geometries: Current challenges and future opportunities
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20. P. Tiwari, B. Podlesny, M. Krzywiecki, K. Milowska and D. Janas
Nanoscale Horizons 8, 685 (2023)
Understanding the partitioning behavior of single-walled carbon nanotubes using an aqueous two-phase extraction system composed of non-ionic surfactants and polymers
21. S. Trivini, J. Ortuzar, K. Vaxevani, J. Li, F. Bergeret, M. Cazalilla and J.I. Pascual
Physical Review Letters 130, 136004 (2023)
Cooper Pair Excitation Mediated by a Molecular Quantum Spin on a Superconducting Proximitized Gold Film
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22. D. Opra, S. Sinebryukhov, E. Modin, A. Sokolov, A. Podgorbunsky, A. Ziatdinov, A. Ustinov, V. Mayorov and S. Gnedenkov
Batteries-Basel 9, 229 (2023)
Manganese, Fluorine, and Nitrogen Co-Doped Bronze Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes with Improved Lithium-Ion Storage Properties
23. Y. Borodaenko, E. Khairullina, A. Levshakova, A. Shmalko, I. Tumkin, S. Gurbatov, A. Mironenko, E. Mitsai, E. Modin, E. Gurevich and A. Kuchmizhak
Nanomaterials 13, 1300 (2023)
Noble-Metal Nanoparticle-Embedded Silicon Nanogratings via Single-Step Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structuring
24. A. Ghita, T. Mocioi, A. Lomonosov, J. Kim, O. Kovalenko, P. Vavassori and V. Temnov
Physical Review B 107, 134419 (2023)
Anatomy of ultrafast quantitative magnetoacoustics in freestanding nickel thin films
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25. P. Yuan, X. Guo and D. Ma
ACS Materials Letters 5, 1295 (2023)
Sign Inversion of Magnetoconductance in Organic Semiconductors by Different Spin-Mixing Channels at Charge-Transfer Interfaces
26. I. Lebedeva, A. Garcia, E. Artacho and P. Ordejon
Royal Society Open Science 10, 230063 (2023)
Modular implementation of the linear- and cubic-scaling orbital minimization methods in electronic structure codes using atomic orbitals
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27. H. Thiel, M. Wagner, B. Nard, A. Schlager, R. Chapman, S. Frick, H. Suchomel, M. Kamp, S. Hofling, C. Schneider and G. Weihs
Optical Materials Express 13, 1278 (2023)
Fabrication of low-loss III-V Bragg-reflection waveguides for parametric down-conversion
28. S. Chen, P. Leng, A. Konecna, E. Modin, M. Gutierrez-Amigo, E. Vicentini, B. Martin-Garcia, M. Barra-Burillo, I. Niehues, C. Escudero, X. Xie, L. Hueso, E. Artacho, J. Aizpurua, I. Errea, M. Vergniory, A. Chuvilin, F. Xiu and R. Hillenbrand
Nature Materials 22, 860 (2023)
Real-space observation of ultraconfined in-plane anisotropic acoustic terahertz plasmon polaritons
29. H. Yang, M. Ormaza, Z. Chi, E. Dolan, J. Ingla-Aynes, C. Safeer, F. Herling, N. Ontoso, M. Gobbi, B. Martin-Garcia, F. Schiller, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Nano Letters 23, 4406 (2023)
Gate-Tunable Spin Hall Effect in an All-Light-Element Heterostructure: Graphene with Copper Oxide
This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.
30. C. Horowitz, C. Proetto and J.M. Pitarke
Physical Review B 107, 195120 (2023)
Towards a universal exchange enhancement factor in density functional theory
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31. V. Vento, P. Roelli, S. Verlekar and C. Galland
Nano Letters 23, 4885 (2023)
Mode-Specific Coupling of Nanoparticle-on-Mirror Cavities with Cylindrical Vector Beams
This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nano Letters, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.
32. Y. Borodaenko, S. Gurbatov, E. Modin, A. Chepak, M. Tutov, A. Mironenko and A. Kuchmizhak
Chemosensors 11, 307 (2023)
A Laser-Printed Surface-Enhanced Photoluminescence Sensor for the Sub-Nanomolar Optical Detection of Mercury in Water
33. A. Nikitin, R. Hillenbrand, A. Bylinkin, F. Calavalle, M. Barra-Burillo, R. Kirtaev, E. Nikulina, E. Modin, E. Janzen, J. Edgar, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, V. Volkov, P. Vavassori, I. Aharonovich and P. Alonso-Gonzalez
Nano Letters 23, 3985 (2023)
Dual-Band Coupling of Phonon and Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Vibrational and Electronic Excitations in Molecules
34. I. Groen, V. Pham, S. Ilic, A. Chuvilin, W. Choi, E. Sagasta, D. Vaz, I. Arango, N. Ontoso, F. Bergeret, L. Hueso, I. Tokatly and F. Casanova
Physical Review B 107, 184438 (2023)
Emergence of large spin-charge interconversion at an oxidized Cu/W interface
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35. K. Nguyen, Y. Jiang, M. Cao, P. Purohit, A. Yadav, P. Garcia-Fernandez, M. Tate, C. Chang, P. Aguado-Puente, J. Iniguez, F. Gomez-Ortiz, S. Gruner, J. Junquera, L. Martin, R. Ramesh and D. Muller
Physical Review B 107, 205419 (2023)
Transferring orbital angular momentum to an electron beam reveals toroidal and chiral order
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36. R. Lopez-Domene, S. Vazquez-Diaz, E. Modin, A. Beloqui and A. Cortajarena
Advanced Functional Materials 33, (2023)
An Emerging Nanozyme Class for a la carte Enzymatic-Like Activities based on Protein-Metal Nanocluster Hybrids
37. A. Ray, B. Martin-Garcia, M. Prato, A. Moliterni, S. Bordignon, D. Spirito, S. Marras, L. Goldoni, K. Boopathi, F. Moro, N. Casati, C. Giacobbe, M. Saidaminov, C. Giannini, M. Chierotti, R. Krahne, L. Manna and A. Abdelhady
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 28166 (2023)
Mixed Organic Cations Promote Ambient Light-Induced Formation of Metallic Lead in Lead Halide Perovskite Crystals
38. A. Benito-Kaesbach, J. Amigo, U. Izagirre, N. Garcia-Velasco, L. Arevalo, A. Seifert and K. Castro
Science Of The Total Environment 876, 162810 (2023)
Misinterpretation in microplastic detection in biological tissues: When 2D imaging is not enough
39. A. Boschi, A. Kovtun, F. Liscio, Z. Xia, K. Kim, S. Avila, S. De Simone, V. Mussi, C. Barone, S. Pagano, M. Gobbi, P. Samori, M. Affronte, A. Candini, V. Palermo and A. Liscio
Small 19, (2023)
Mesoscopic 3D Charge Transport in Solution-Processed Graphene-Based Thin Films: A Multiscale Analysis
40. E. Vicentini, A. Gambetta, F. Canella, N. Coluccelli, P. Laporta and G. Galzerano
Optics Express 31, 21482 (2023)
High-resolution mid-infrared spectroscopy based on ultrafast Cr:ZnSe laser
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41. A. Konecná, M. Schmidt, R. Hillenbrand and J. Aizpurua
Physical Review Research 5, 023192 (2023)
Probing the electromagnetic response of dielectric antennas by vortex electron beams
42. J. Pawlak, W. Skowronski, P. Kuswik, M. Gajewska, F. Casanova and M. Przybylski
Advanced Electronic Materials 9, (2023)
Spin Hall Induced Magnetization Dynamics in Multiferroic Tunnel Junction
This is the peer reviewed version of thean article which has been published in final form at Advanced Electronic Materials. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving
43. J. Pereira, D. Tezze, M. Ormaza, L. Hueso and M. Gobbi
Advanced Physics Research 2, 2200084 (2023)
Engineering Magnetism and Superconductivity in van der Waals Materials via Organic-Ion Intercalation
44. P. Varlamov, A. Semisalova, A. Nguyen, M. Farle, Y. Laplace, M. Raynaud, O. Noel, P. Vavassori and V. Temnov
Magnetochemistry 9, 186 (2023)
Femtosecond Laser Ablation-Induced Magnetic Phase Transformations in FeRh Thin Films
45. S. Deng, S. Chen, B. Monserrat, E. Artacho and S. Saxena
SciPost Physics 15, 020 (2023)
Pressure-induced transitions in FePS3: Structural, magnetic and electronic properties
46. B. Goncalves, V. Sousa, J. Virtuoso, E. Modin, O. Lebedev, G. Botelho, S. Sadewasser, L. Salonen, S. Lanceros-Mendez and Y. Kolen'ko
Nanomaterials 13, 1920 (2023)
Towards All-Non-Vacuum-Processed Photovoltaic Systems: A Water-Based Screen-Printed Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 Photoabsorber with a 6.6% Efficiency
47. M. Molina-Garcia, S. Bellani, A. Castillo, I. Conticello, L. Gabatel, M. Zappia, M. Eredia, S. Thorat, B. Martin-Garcia, L. Ceseracciu, M. Piccinni and F. Bonaccorso
Journal Of Physics-Materials 6, 035006 (2023)
Wet-jet milling exfoliated hexagonal boron nitride as industrial anticorrosive pigment for polymeric coatings
48. E. Vicentini, W. Nuansing, I. Niehues, I. Amenabar, A. Bittner, R. Hillernbrand and M. Schnell
Optics Express 31, 22308 (2023)
Pseudoheterodyne interferometry for multicolor near-field imaging
49. I. Arango, A. Anadon, S. Novoa, V. Pham, W. Choi, J. Alegre, L. Badie, A. Chuvilin, L. Hueso, F. Casanova and C. Rojas-Sanchez
Spin-to-charge conversion by spin pumping in sputtered polycrystalline BixSe1-x
50. A. Koshikawa, J. Llandro, M. Ohzeki, S. Fukami, H. Ohno and N. Leo
Physical Review B 108, 024414 (2023)
Magnetic order in nanoscale gyroid networks
51. N. Ontoso, C. Safeer, J. Ingla-Aynes, F. Herling, L. Hueso, M. Calvo and F. Casanova
Applied Physics Letters 123, 032401 (2023)
Out-of-plane spin-to-charge conversion at low temperatures in graphene/MoTe2 heterostructures
52. A. Dzienia, D. Just, P. Taborowska, A. Mielanczyk, K. Milowska, S. Yorozuya, S. Naka, T. Shiraki and D. Janas
Small 19, (2023)
Mixed-Solvent Engineering as a Way around the Trade-Off between Yield and Purity of (7,3) Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Obtained Using Conjugated Polymer Extraction
53. J. Ortuzar, J.I. Pascual, S. Bergeret and M. Cazalilla
Physical Review B 108, 024511 (2023)
Theory of a single magnetic impurity on a thin metal film in proximity to a superconductor
54. N. Koval, F. Da Pieve, B. Gu, D. Munoz-Santiburcio, J. Kohanoff and E. Artacho
Physical Review Research 5, 033063 (2023)
Nonlinear electronic stopping of negatively charged particles in liquid water
55. S. Syubaev, E. Modin, S. Gurbatov, A. Cherepakhin, A. Dostovalov, A. Tarasova, P. Krinitsin, A. Yelisseyev, L. Isaenko and A. Kuchmizhak
Applied Physics Letters 123, 061108 (2023)
SWIR anti-reflective nanostructures on nonlinear crystals by direct UV femtosecond laser printing
56. I. Razquin, A. Iregui, M. Cobos, J. Latasa, A. Eceiza, K. Gonzáles, L. Martin, A. Müller, A. González and L. Irusta
Polymer 282, 126160 (2023)
Cationically photocured epoxy/polycaprolactone materials processed by solution electrospinning, melt electrowriting and 3D printing: Morphology and shape memory properties
57. S. Mezzasalma, J. Kruse, S. Merkens, E. Lopez, A. Seifert, R. Morandotti and M. Grzelczak
Advanced Materials 35, (2023)
Light-Driven Self-Oscillation of Thermoplasmonic Nanocolloids
58. K. Sergeeva, D. Pavlov, A. Seredin, E. Mitsai, A. Sergeev, E. Modin, A. Sokolova, T. Lau, K. Baryshnikova, M. Petrov, S. Kershaw, A. Kuchmizhak, K. Wong and A. Rogach
Advanced Functional Materials 33, 2307660 (2023)
Laser-Printed Plasmonic Metasurface Supporting Bound States in the Continuum Enhances and Shapes Infrared Spontaneous Emission of Coupled HgTe Quantum Dots
59. M. Schnell, M. King, S. Buercklin, P. Sarriugarte, R. Hillenbrand and P. Carney
OPTICS LETTERS 48, 4424 (2023)
Computational refocusing in phase-resolved confocal microscopy
60. J. Gómez-Cortés, M. Nó, A. Chuvilin, I. Ruiz-Larrea and J. San Juan
Nanomaterials 13, 2605 (2023)
Thermal Stability of Cu-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloy Thin Films Obtained by Nanometer Multilayer Deposition
61. C. Horowitz, C. Proetto and J.M. Pitarke
Physical Review B 108, 115119 (2023)
Construction of a semilocal exchange density functional from a three-dimensional electron gas collapsing to two dimensions
62. O. Yurkevich, E. Modin, I. Jankovic, R. Peter, M. Petravic and M. Knez
Chemistry of Materials 35, 7529 (2023)
Introducing a Robust Flexible Conductive Hybrid: Indium Oxide-ParyleneC Obtained by Vapor Phase Infiltration
63. K. Ashurbekova, E. Modin, H. Hano, K. Ashurbekova, I. Jankovic, R. Peter, M. Petravic, A. Chuvilin, A. Abdulagatov and M. Knez
Chemistry of Materials 35, 8092 (2023)
<i>In Situ</i> Investigation of Thermally Induced Surface Graphenization of Polymer-Derived Ceramic (PDC) Coatings from Molecular Layer (MLD) Deposited Silicon-Based Preceramic Thin Films
64. E. Calandrini, K. Voronin, O. Balci, M. Barra-Burillo, A. Bylinkin, S. Shinde, S. Sharma, F. Casanova, L. Hueso, A. Chuvilin, C. Mcaleese, B. Conran, X. Wang, K. Teo, V. Volkov, A. Ferrari, A. Nikitin and R. Hillenbrand
Advanced Materials 35, (2023)
Near- and Far-Field Observation of Phonon Polaritons in Wafer-Scale Multilayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition
65. E. Lopez, J. Etxebarria-Elezgarai, J. Amigo and A. Seifert
Analytica Chimica Acta 1275, 341532 (2023)
The importance of choosing a proper validation strategy in predictive models. A tutorial with real examples
66. I. Arango, W. Choi, V. Pham, I. Groen, D. Vaz, P. Debashis, H. Li, D. Mahendra, K. Oguz, A. Chuvilin, L. Hueso, I. Young and F. Casanova
Physical Review B 108, 104425 (2023)
Quantification of spin-charge interconversion in highly resistive sputtered BixSe1-x with nonlocal spin valves
67. M. Benedet, A. Gallo, C. Maccato, G. Rizzi, D. Barreca, O. Lebedev, E. Modin, R. Mcglynn, D. Mariotti and A. Gasparotto
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 47368 (2023)
Controllable Anchoring of Graphitic Carbon Nitride on MnO<sub>2</sub> Nanoarchitectures for Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis
68. D. Ruiz, N. Hesp, H. Sheinfux, C. Marimón, C. Maissen, A. Principi, R. Asgari, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, M. Polini, R. Hillenbrand, I. Torre and F. Koppens
Science Advances 9, eadi0415 (2023)
Experimental signatures of the transition from acoustic plasmon to electronic sound in graphene
69. M. Vilas-Varela, F. Romero-Lara, A. Vegliante, J. Calupitan, A. Martínez, L. Meyer, U. Uriarte-Amiano, N. Friedrich, D. Wang, F. Schulz, N. Koval, M. Sandoval-Salinas, D. Casanova, M. Corso, E. Artacho, D. Peña and J.I. Pascual
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 62, 202307884 (2023)
On-Surface Synthesis and Characterization of a High-Spin Aza-[5]-Triangulene
70. A. Alekhin, A. Lomonosov, N. Leo, M. Ludwig, V. Vlasov, L. Kotov, A. Leitenstorfer, P. Gaal, P. Vavassori and V. Temnov
Nano Letters 23, 9295 (2023)
Quantitative Ultrafast Magnetoacoustics at Magnetic Metasurfaces
71. S. Gurbatov, Y. Borodaenko, E. Mitsai, E. Modin, A. Zhizhchenko, A. Cherepakhin, A. Shevlyagin, S. Syubaev, A. Porfirev, S. Khonina, A. Yelisseyev, S. Lobanov, L. Isaenko, E. Gurevich and A. Kuchmizhak
Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on Layered GaSe Crystals: Structural Coloring and Infrared Antireflection
72. M. Claro, J. Corral-Sertal, A. Fumega, S. Blanco-Canosa, M. Suárez-Rodríguez, L. Hueso, V. Pardo and F. Rivadulla
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 49538 (2023)
Temperature and Thickness Dependence of the Thermal Conductivity in 2D Ferromagnet Fe<sub>3</sub>GeTe<sub>2</sub>
73. F. Gallego, F. Trier, S. Mallik, J. Bréhin, S. Varotto, L. Vicente-Arche, T. Gosavy, C. Lin, J. Coudevylle, L. Iglesias, F. Casanova, I. Young, L. Vila, J. Attané and M. Bibes
Advanced Functional Materials 34, 2307474 (2023)
All-Electrical Detection of the Spin-Charge Conversion in Nanodevices Based on SrTiO<sub>3</sub> 2-D Electron Gases
74. C. Rodriguez, . Torres-Costa, A. Bittner, S. Morin, M. Castresana, S. Chiriaev, E. Modin, A. Chuvilin and M. Silván
iScience 26, 107981 (2023)
Electron microscopy approach to the wetting dynamics of single organosilanized mesopores
75. J. Brede, N. Merino-Díez, A. Berdonces-Layunta, S. Sanz, A. Domínguez-Celorrio, J. Lobo-Checa, M. Vilas-Varela, D. Peña, T. Frederiksen, J.I. Pascual, D. de Oteyza and D. Serrate
Nature Communications 14, 6677 (2023)
Detecting the spin-polarization of edge states in graphene nanoribbons
76. J. Bréhin, L. Arche, S. Varotto, S. Mallik, J. Attané, L. Vila, A. Barthélémy, N. Bergeal and M. Bibes
Physical Review Applied 20, 044060 (2023)
Gate-voltage switching of nonreciprocal transport in oxide-based Rashba interfaces
77. C. Horowitz, C. Proetto and J.M. Pitarke
Orbital-free density-functional theory for metal slabs
78. J.A. Arregi, P. Riego, A. Berger and E. Vedmedenko
Nature Communications 14, 6927 (2023)
Large interlayer Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions across Ag-layers
79. A. Prudnikau, H. Roshan, F. Paulus, B. Martín-García, R. Hübner, H. Jalali, M. De Franco, M. Prato, F. Di Stasio and V. Lesnyak
Advanced Functional Materials 34, (2023)
Efficient Near-Infrared Light-Emitting Diodes Based on CdHgSe Nanoplatelets
80. J. Jo, Y. Peisen, H. Yang, S. Manas-Valero, J. Baldovi, Y. Lu, E. Coronado, F. Casanova, F. Bergeret, M. Gobbi and L. Hueso
Nature Communications 14, 7253 (2023)
Local control of superconductivity in a NbSe<sub>2</sub>/CrSBr van der Waals heterostructure
81. H. Abdeldaim, E. González, N. Duarte and J. Asua
MACROMOLECULES 56, 9054 (2023)
Solving the Film Formation Dilemma: Blends of Soft Core-Hard "Shell" Particles
82. J. Kruse, A. Rao, A. Sánchez-Iglesias, J. Montaáo-Priede, A. Ibarra, E. Lopez, A. Seifert, A. Arbe and M. Grzelczak
Chemistry-A European Journal 30, (2023)
Temperature-Modulated Reversible Clustering of Gold Nanorods Driven by Small Surface Ligands
83. I. Zaitsev, A. Corley-Wiciak, C. Corley-Wiciak, M. Zoellner, C. Richter, E. Zatterin, M. Virgilio, B. Martin-García, D. Spirito and C. Manganelli
Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters 18, (2023)
The Interplay between Strain, Sn Content, and Temperature on Spatially Dependent Bandgap in Ge<sub>1-<i>x</i> </sub>Sn<sub> <i>x</i> </sub> Microdisks
84. D. Just, A. Dzienia, K. Milowska, A. Mielanczyk and D. Janas
Materials Horizons 11, 758 (2023)
High-yield and chirality-selective isolation of single-walled carbon nanotubes using conjugated polymers and small molecular chaperones
85. S. Hadjadj, C. González-Orellana, J. Lawrence, D. Bikaljevic, M. Peña-Díaz, P. Gargiani, L. Aballe, J. Naumann, M. Niño, M. Foerster, S. Ruiz-Gómez, S. Thakur, I. Kumberg, J. Taylor, J. Hayes, J. Torres, C. Luo, F. Radu, D. de Oteyza, W. Kuch, J.I. Pascual, C. Rogero and M. Ilyn
Chemistry of Materials 35, 9847 (2023)
Epitaxial Monolayers of the Magnetic 2D Semiconductor FeBr<sub>2</sub> Grown on Au(111)
86. D. Margineda, A. Crippa, E. Strambini, Y. Fukaya, M. Mercaldo, M. Cuoco and F. Giazotto
Communications Physics 6, 343 (2023)
Sign reversal diode effect in superconducting Dayem nanobridges
87. M. Molezuelas-Ferreras, A. Nodar, M. Barra-Burillo, J. Olmos-Trigo, J. Lasa-Alonso, I. Gómez-Viloria, E. Posada, J. Varga, R. Esteban, J. Aizpurua, L. Hueso, C. Lopez and G. Molina-Terriza
Characterizing the Backscattered Spectrum of Mie Spheres
88. Y. Yang, J. Feijóo, V. Briega-Martos, Q. Li, M. Krumov, S. Merkens, G. De Salvo, A. Chuvilin, J. Jin, H. Huang, C. Pollock, M. Salmeron, C. Wang, D. Muller, H. Abruña and P. Yang
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 42, 101403 (2023)
Operando methods: A new era of electrochemistry
89. C. Salzemann, V. Russier, M. Pancaldi, P. Vavassori, A. Berger and I. Lisiecki
Colloids And Surfaces A-Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects 678, 132473 (2023)
High magnetic and super-structural uniformity in fcc supercrystalline films of Co nanoparticles evidenced by MOKE
90. M. Vogt, J. List, M. Langecker, I. Santiago, F. Simmel and E. Kopperger
Electrokinetic Torque Generation by DNA Nanorobotic Arms Studied via Single-Molecule Fluctuation Analysis
91. J. Hieulle, C. Fernandez, N. Friedrich, A. Vegliante, S. Sanz, D. Sánchez-Portal, M. Haley, J. Casado, T. Frederiksen and J.I. Pascual
From Solution to Surface: Persistence of the Diradical Character of a Diindenoanthracene Derivative on a Metallic Substrate
92. M. Aguilar-Pujol, S. Catalano, C. Gonzalez-Orellana, W. Skowronski, J. Gomez-Perez, M. Ilyn, C. Rogero, M. Gobbi, L. Hueso and F. Casanova
Physical Review B 108, 224420 (2023)
Magnon currents excited by the spin Seebeck effect in ferromagnetic EuS thin films
93. A. Kostyukov, V. Panchenko, A. Nashivochnikov, M. Rakhmanova, S. Cherepanova, E. Suprun and O. Antonova
Ceramics International 49, 41158 (2023)
High quantum yield of red-emitting Eu3+doped nanophosphor based on monoclinic Y2O3
94. C. Zhang, S. Jahan, J. Zhang, M. Bianchi, F. Volpe-Zanutto, S. Baviskar, A. Rodriguez-Abetxuko, D. Mishra, E. Magee, B. Gilmore, T. Singh, R. Donnelly, E. Larrañeta and A. Paredes
International Journal Of Pharmaceutics 648, 123585 (2023)
Curcumin nanocrystals-in-nanofibres as a promising platform for the management of periodontal disease
95. E. Río, S. Trivini, J.I. Pascual, V. Cherkez, P. Mallet, J. Veuillen, J. Cuevas and I. Brihuega
Small 20, 2308439 (2023)
Shaping Graphene Superconductivity with Nanometer Precision
96. C. Maciel-Escudero, A. Yankovich, B. Munkhbat, D. Baranov, R. Hillenbrand, E. Olsson, J. Aizpurua and T. Shegai
Nature Communications 14, 8478 (2023)
Probing optical anapoles with fast electron beams
97. P. Valera, J. Plou, I. Garcia, I. Astobiza, C. Viera, A. Aransay, J. Martin, I. Sasselli, A. Carracedo and L. Liz-Marzan
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 120, e2311674120 (2023)
SERS analysis of cancer cell- secreted purines reveals a unique paracrine crosstalk in MTAP- deficient tumors