Self-assembly - 2017 year publications

1. A. Eleta-Lopez and A. Calo
Microscopy Research And Technique 80, 18 (2017)
Key factors of scanning a plant virus with AFM in air and aqueous solution
PDF -Key factors of scanning a plant virus with AFM in air and aqueous solution This is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at Microscopy Research and Technique. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.

2. M. Okuda, T. Schwarze, J. Eloi, S. Jones, P. Heard, A. Sarua, E. Ahmad, V. Kruglyak, D. Grundler and W. Schwarzacher
Nanotechnology 28, 155301 (2017)
Top-down design of magnonic crystals from bottom-up magnetic nanoparticles through protein arrays
PDF -Top-down design of magnonic crystals from bottom-up magnetic nanoparticles through protein arrays This is the author's version of the paper after peer review - Copyright by the Institute of Physics and the IOP Publishing Ltd.

3. I. Rivilla, A. de Cózar, T.Schäfer, F. J. Hernández, A. Bittner, A. Eleta-Lopez, A. Aboudzadeh, J.I. Santos, J.I. Miranda and F.P. Cossio
Chemical Science 8, 7038 (2017)
Catalysis of a 1,3-dipolar reaction by distorted DNA incorporating a heterobimetallic platinum(II) and copper(II) complex
PDF -Catalysis of a 1,3-dipolar reaction by distorted DNA incorporating a heterobimetallic platinum(II) and copper(II) complex Copyright of the Royal Society of Chemistry
