Latest News
Stable, efficient, and sustainable storage of digital data in DNA
CIC nanoGUNE, a nanoscience research center in the Basque Country, is exploring and developing new materials to store DNA containing digital information. This promising line of research, led by nanoGUNE's Self Assembly team, is part of the TextaDNA project, a European Union EIC PathFinder project coordinated by…
NanoReMedi, an innovative research project on regenerative medicine
Registration period for the summer internship program open
CIC nanoGUNE expands its patent portfolio
The granting of three patents plus an additional three new patent applications considerably enrich CIC nanoGUNE's industrial property portfolio. The center currently has 25 patent applications in the fields of health, optics, materials science and electronics, all at the nanoscale, of course. In addition, 17…
CardioPrint, new biofabrication processes for heart implants
CIC nanoGUNE has recently become one of the organizations that drive the Spanish project CardioPrint, to advance the field of biofabrication by developing a novel device capable of generating bioartificial human tissues with unprecedented precision. Our aims are, in short, to design, produce and test new…
Maider Rekondo-Salsamendi receives the Youth Entrepreneurship Scholarship
nanoGUNE PhD Workshop 2020
nanoGUNE launches a new summer internship call for university students
Students from UPV / EHU, Tecnun, UAB and the UB carry out summer internships at CIC nanoGUNE
Apply for a Basque PhD grant with nanoGUNE
NanoGUNE, located at the Ibaeta Campus of the UPV/EHU in Donostia – San Sebastián, offers PhD opportunities to graduates in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, and related areas to get their PhD degree.
Summer Internship Program: call open until 5 February
News from self-assembly are continued on
Paper on multifrequency AFM
We wrapped up our investigation of the surface structure of TMV: "Multifrequency Force Microscopy of Helical Protein Assembly on a Virus"
New paper Okuda
Welcome Franziska!
New group member: Franziska Günl
Calò-Eiben-Okuda-Bittner paper: Nanoscale device architectures
New Okuda paper
Pt and Pt based alloy nanoclusters in cowpea chlorotic mottle virus
New paper in Trends in Biochemical Sciences
... by Okuda and coworkers in Roskilde and Sheffield
Goodbye Annalisa!
Happy Nova Year!
NovaSpider 3D printing of red. graphene oxide
Lab news: New paper
New paper with partners from CFM and DIPC
Lab news: Cooperation with Domotek
Cooperation with Domotek
Lab news: Talks and posters
Annalisa, Maria, Alex present their latest results in early October
Lab news: Conference presentations
Lab news: Goodbye Sara!
Lab news: A single plant virus on a carbon film
The rod-shaped Tobacco mosaic virus
Lab news: Electrospinning demo
Demo experiment: Electrospinning demo of polystyrene fibres from dichloromethane solution
Lab news: TMV model
Playing with a TMV model...
Lab news: SEM of ice crystals
New substrate!
Lab news: Current sensing AFM
We are currently working on improving our current sensing AFM. As yet, our approach is based on contact AFM. A test shows what we suspected: We can obtain local currents, even in the pA range, but the tips do not survive this procedure intact. SEM images show giant damage of our Au/Cr/Si tips. More in the following…
nanoGUNE Scholarship: call for Master Thesis students
Aspargi, Inbiomed, and nanoGUNE working hand in hand against Parkinson Disease
"Electrospinning of Biomolecules", PhD Thesis by Wiwat Nuansing
Wiwat Nuansing, Pre-doctoral Researcher in the Self-Assembly Group at nanoGUNE, received his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Monday 23 June 2014. He carried out his research work, entitled Electrospinning of Biomolecules, under the supervision of Dr.…
"Electrospinning of Biomolecules", PhD Thesis by Wiwat Nuansing
Wiwat Nuansing, Pre-doctoral Researcher in the Self-Assembly Group at nanoGUNE, received his Doctor Degree at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Monday 23 June 2014. He carried out his research work, entitled Electrospinning of Biomolecules, under the…
ETP Nanomedicine Annual Event 2014
NanoGUNE hosts more than 120 experts in nanotechnology and medicine at the 2014 Annual Event & General Assembly of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN). The ETPN event has taken place on 15 and 16 October 2014, co-organized by the nanoBasque Agency (SPRI) and nanoGUNE, the Basque Nanoscience…
"Polythiophene-based nanoscale lateral devices", PhD thesis by Thales V. A. G. de Oliveira
Thales de Oliveira, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Self-Assembly Group at nanoGUNE, received his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Friday 23 May 2014. His research work, entitled “Polythiophene-based nanoscale lateral devices”, has been developed under…
Nanotechnology: Electron beam lithography scheme suits tobacco mosaic virus
Nanotechnology highlights nanoGUNE’s Self-Assembly Group’s research as the “Publisher’s Pick”. A feature about the original paper has been published at the “Lab talk” section and an interview to José María Alonso has been included.
NanoGUNE awarded in the Raith Micrograph Award 2011
The micrograph of a lateral spin valve with integrated dielectric mask, which was obtained by the Ph.D. student Thales de Oliveira from the Self-Assembly Group, has been awarded the second prize of the Raith Micrograph Award 2011. Raith is one of the world-leading suppliers of innovative solutions for…
Nature Materials: Self-assembly of a graphene nanoribbon within a carbon nanotube
A new strategy for spontaneous self-assembly of Graphene NanoRibbons (GNRs) using a Single-Walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) as both the reaction vessel and the template for nanoribbon growth has been reported in a recent article by researchers from nanoGUNE and from the Universities of Nottingham and Ulm (A. Chuvilin…
Alexander Bittner, new nanoGUNE Self-Assembly Group Leader
Starting June the first, Dr. Alexander Bittner has taken on his new responsibilities as the Group Leader of the Self-Assembly Group of nanoGUNE.
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