
  • The Nanodevices group participates in the 2D-INK Fet Open project

    The 2D-INK project, led by the Molecular and Supramolecular Materials group of POLYMAT-UPV/EHU, has been funded by the European Union with 2,962,661 €. The projects aims at developing inks of novel 2D semiconducting materials -needed for the functioning of electronic devices- for low-cost large-area fabrication processes on insulating substrates through a new methodology, which will exceed the properties of state-of-the-art graphene- and graphene oxide based inks. From these semiconductor inks it would be possible to produce the next generation of ultrathin electronic appliances (such as transistors, LEDs, and solar cells) using the same technology of the current inkjet printers.

  • The Basque Minister of Economic Development visits nanoGUNE

    Members of the Basque Government have been visiting nanoGUNE today, and have presented the new ELKARTEK Program that will fund collaborative research in strategic areas for the Basque Country. The delegation has been formed by the Basque Minister of Economic Development and Competitiveness, Arantxa Tapia, the Deputy Minister of Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness, Estíbaliz Hernáez, and the Director of Technology of the Basque Government, Leyre Bilbao.

  • Charge and spin transport in graphene devices, PhD Thesis by Luca Pietrobon

    Luca Pietrobon, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices Group at nanoGUNE, receives his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Friday 5 June 2015. His research work, entitled “Charge and spin transport in graphene devices", has been developed under the supervision of the Nanodevices Group Leader and Ikerbasque Research Professor Dr. Luis E. Hueso.

  • nanoGUNE Scholarship: call for Master Thesis students

    NanoGUNE offers 4 scholarships to students of the Master in Nanoscience and the Master in New Materials of the UPV/EHU choosing Master thesis subjects within one of nanoGUNE's research groups.

  • NanoGUNE's new website: a space for everyone

    Our goal has been to create a dynamic website to encourage visitors participation and to inform about the work done in the center.

  • 2015 summer internship students are here!

    Summer is almost here and so they are our summer internship students. This year 10 science degree students will join nanoGUNE's Summer Internship Program and will spend two months working at the research center in the framework of a specific research project.

  • CAF, Petronor, and IKOR, new nanoGUNE partners

    From now onwards, the research center has the participation of three new industrial players, which will further its strategy for transferring knowledge and technology. The incorporation of these three leading companies will reassert the center’s strategic mission and will strengthen the work it has been carrying out with and for industry.

  • Nanoscale Infrared Near-Field Spectroscopy, PHD thesis by Florian Huth

    Florian Huth, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanooptics Group at nanoGUNE, receives his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on Monday 25 May 2015. Hir research work, entitled Nanoscale Infrared Near-Field Spectroscopy", has been developed under the supervision of the Nanooptics Group Leader and Ikerbasque Research Professor Dr. Rainer Hillenbrand.

  • The researcher Estitxu Villamor got a special mention in the CAF-Elhuyar awards

    Estitxu Villamor, who has developed her PhD thesis in the Nanodevices group at CIC nanoGUNE, received the special mention certificate in the CAF-Elhuyar Awards. These awards are designed to promote, reward and recognize popularization, journalism and the integrating into society of subjects and research relating to science and technology in Basque. These awards are organized by the Elhuyar Foundation with the help of the Basque company CAF and the economic collaboration of the Department of Culture of the Government of the Basque Government.

  • Aspargi, Inbiomed, and nanoGUNE working hand in hand against Parkinson Disease

    Aspargi, the Parkinson Association of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country, Spain), supports an Inbiomed-nanoGUNE joint research project with a grant of 6 000€, in order to develop better ways to grow neurons, in order to investigate the disease mechanisms and to find new treatments.


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Itziar Otegui
Outreach Manager
+34 943574024

Press Office:

+34 688860706