
  • Atomic magnets using hydrogen and graphene

    NanoGUNE researchers in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Institut Néel of Grenoble have shown for the first time that the simple absorption of a hydrogen atom on a layer of graphene magnetises a large region of this material. By selectively manipulating these hydrogen atoms, it is possible to produce magnetic graphene with atomic precision. The work has been published in the prestigious journal Science.

  • Spin injection in two-dimensional layered materials, PhD thesis by Oihana Txoperena

    Oihana Txoperena, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanodevices Group at CIC nanoGUNE, received her PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of her thesis project on 8th April 2016. Her research work, entitled “Spin injection in two-dimensional layered materials", has been developed under the supervision of Dr. Fèlix Casanova, Ikerbasque Research Professor at the Nanodevices Group.

  • nanoGUNE research appears on Nature Photonics cover

    Researchers from CIC nanoGUNE, in collaboration with ICFO and Graphenea, visualised for the first time how light is trapped by nanostructures made of graphene.

  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Festival in Donostia-San Sebastian

    The 10ALaMenos9 Festival is aiming in an enjoyable and exciting way to bring all sectors of the public closer to the nanometric scale and its effects.

  • Raul Perez-Jimenez to receive the Enrique Pérez-Payá Prize

    The Enrique Pérez-Payá Prize of the Spanish Biophysical Society has been awarded to Raul Perez-Jimenez, leader of CIC nanoGUNE’s Nanobiomechanics Group, “for his studies of the mechanical properties of biological macromolecules”.

  • Nanolight at the edge

    Researchers from CIC nanoGUNE, in collaboration with ICFO and Graphenea, have demonstrated how infrared light can be captured by nanostructures made of graphene. This happens when light couples to charge oscillations in the graphene. The resulting mixture of light and charge oscillations – called plasmon - can be squeezed into record-small volumes – millions times smaller than in conventional dielectric optical cavities. This process has been visualized by the researchers now, for the first time, with the help of a state-of the-art near-field microscope and explained by theory. Particularly, the researchers identified two types of plasmons - edge and sheet modes - propagating either along the sheet or along the sheet edges. The edge plasmons are unique for their ability to channel electromagnetic energy in one dimension. The work - funded by the EC Graphene Flagship and reported in Nature Photonics - opens new opportunities for ultra-small and efficient photodetectors, sensors and other photonic and optoelectronic nanodevices.

  • Itxasne Azpitarte to receive top student award of the Master in New Materials

    Itxasne Azpitarte has been nominated as top student in the 2014/2015 academic year in the Master’s degree in New Materials, which is run between various university departments of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country and the University of Cantabria (UC).

  • New tool for non-invasive quality control of graphene devices

    Researchers from the Nanooptics group at CIC nanoGUNE in collaboration with colleagues at ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences (Catalunya) developed a new non-invasive room-temperature technique for graphene device characterization. This work has been funded by the EC Graphene Flagship and was recently reported in Nature Communications.

  • A workshop on science and comics for teachers

    The CIC nanoGUNE and DIPC research centres have organised a workshop on science and comics for teachers in Statutory Secondary and Sixth Form Education, within the framework of the nanoKOMIK project.

  • The registration period for the Summer Internship Programme is now open

    Would you like to do an internship over the summer? Lucky you! We have just opened the registration period for the Summer Internship Programme of 2017.


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Itziar Otegui
Outreach Manager
+34 943574024

Press Office:

+34 688860706