NanoGUNE recruits two early-stage researchers (ESRs) for the SPEAR project
The Indian Mayank Sharma and the Irish Eoin Dolan will join the SPEAR project at the Nanodevices Group, which seeks to explore new materials for the next generation of computer memories and processors.

Spin Orbitronics provides a challenging and innovative framework for training early-stage researchers with excellent prospects for a career in industry and academia. In this promising area, SPEAR proposes a multidisciplinary European network, composed of 7 universities, 3 research centers and 7 small and medium sized companies, which will provide state-of-the-art training for early-stage researchers (ESRs) in the field of fundamental and applied Spin Orbitronics.
These 15 young scientists selected by the project Consortium will work on different topics in the field of Spin-Orbitronics. As part of this European training network, they will benefit from SPEAR’s innovative traning program, taking part in academic and industrial secondments and training session on both scientifically relevant topics and transferable skills.
Eoin Dolan and Mayank Sharma will join the SPEAR project at nanoGUNE:
Eoin Dolan is from Ireland and graduated with a Bachelor´s in nanoscience. He has a master in chemistry and materials engineering and a thesis about nanomagnetic phenomena in iron oxide nanoparticles. His main academic interest is in solid state physics, particularly magnetic phenomena, but he has also done some projects on computational catalysis, and atmospheric chemistry. Over the course of three years, he will work at nanoGUNE on “Graphene-based heterostructures for spin-orbit logic devices”, a project under the supervision of Fèlix Casanova.
Mayank Sharma is from India and he did his bachelor´s in Engineering Physics and master in Functional Materials and Nanotechnology. For his thesis, he works on “Investigation of the amplitude of the spin Hall Magnetoresistance” in different cubic, magnetically ordered iron oxides. Over the course of three years, he will work at nanoGUNE on “2D van der Waals magnetic heterostructures”, a project under the supervision of Luis Hueso.