Electron Microscopy Laboratory build-up
For the purpose of building up a world-class Electron Microscopy facility, CIC nanoGUNE announces a recent agreement with FEI Company that includes the purchase of several high-end electron microscopes including TEM/STEM, Dual Beam FIB, and ESEM.
Specifically, the following state-of-the-art tools will be delivered to nanoGUNE during 2010:

The (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM/STEM) TitanTM G2 60-300 with imaging Cs-corrector is an advanced tool for structural characterization of materials at deep sub-Angstrom resolution. Possessing a broad variety of complementary features, including X-FEG, monochromator, high-resolution Quantum GIF, EDX detector, electron bi-prism and Lorenz lens, this unique instrument will also allow access to electronic and magnetic properties, as well as chemical compositions of nano-materials and nano-devices.

The Helios NanoLabTM DualBeamTM combines high resolution imaging capabilities of an advanced SEM with the full set of tools for nano-structuring and nano-manipulation. A high resolution Focused Ion Beam (FIB) column, advanced gas chemistry, and the sub-nanometer precision mechanics of the instrument will facilitate a new level in nano-device fabrication and characterization.

The Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) QuantaTM 250 FEG will provide access to studies of wet biological samples, nano-bio composites and nano-fluidic phenomena.
(Images are reproduced from www.fei.com with kind permission of FEI Company)