Poster Contributions

Poster Contributions

(P) Poster session 

Poster session will be held on Thursday, February 23rd .

Boards and material to put the posters onto them will be available in the place.

Contributors are encouraged to show their posters from the beginning of the workshop, as boards will be available already since 14.00 on Wednesday.

The set poster size is A0 format 
(width: 841 mm x Height: 1189 mm) Portrait

Poster list
P.01 C. Achkar (LPCNO Tolouse)
Magnetic properties of monocrystalline sub-10nm Co nanorods directly grown on metallic surfaces
P.02 C. Castán-Guerrero (ICMA)
Tailoring magnetic properties of Co thin films through 2D nanopatterning
P.03 F. Cebollada (UPM)
Hysteresis and radiofrequency absorption behavior in epitaxial Au/Fe/au/Fe/MgO films
P.04 V. Connord (LPCNO Tolouse)
A high-frequency hysteresis loop measurement setup for the characterization of ferrofluids for magnetic hyperthermia applications
P.05 J. Dugay (LPCNO Tolouse)
Technological processes for the elaboration of electrical devices based on air-sensitive magnetic metallic nanoparticles prepared by chemical routes
P.06 C. Echevarría Bonet (Universidad de Cantabria)
Resistivity minimum in intermediate valence YbAl3 nanoparticles
P.07 M. L. Fernández-Gubieda (EHU-UPV)
Magnetic interactions and interface phenomena on nanostructured thin films
P.08 M. Gobbi (CIC nanoGUNE)
C60 based spintronics
P.09 J. González (Universidad de Cantabria)
Iron (III) oxide nanowires in double-walled carbon nanotubes
P.10 M. P. F. Graça (Aveiro University)
LFZ growth rate influence on the magnetic properties of bismuth ferrite fibres
P.11 B. A. Gribkov (RAS)
Magnetic force microscopy tip induced magnetization reversal effects in ferromagnetic nanoparticles
P.12 S. Larumbe (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
Magnetic properties and AC magnetic hyperthermia of magnetite and nickel ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by sol-gel
P.13 J. M. Michalik (ICMA)
Investigation of spin transport in graphene with Cobalt Focused Electron Beam fabricated magnetic electrodes
P.14 M. Moro (INA)
Magnetic properties of Co adatoms in atomically tailored local environment
P.15 E. Navarro (ICMM-CSIC)
Microstructure and magnetic properties of Co/Ag superlattices grown byMBE on MgO (001)
P.16 F. J. Palomares (ICMM-CSIC)
Epitaxial magnetoplasmonic structures exhibiting enhanced surface-plasmon-polariton wave vector magnetic modulation
P.17 J. M. Pastor (Universidad Pública de Navarra)
Experimentally obtained efficiency of magnetic targeting on nanoparticles
P.18 J. M. Porro (CIC nanoGUNE)
Ultrafast and Intense Magnetic Field Pulses Generation by Displacement of Constrained Transverse Domain Wall
P.19 L. A. Rodríguez (INA)
Magnetic-field dependent in situ Lorentz microscopy in Co nanowires grown by FEBID
P.20 A. K. Suszka (CIC nanoGUNE)
The origin and evolution of positive exchange bias in Co/CoO nanostructures with in plane uniaxial anisotropy
P.21 M. A. Valente (Aveiro University)
Magnetic properties of YIG powders inserted in a polymeric matrix
P.22 S. N. Vdovichev (RAS)
Tunnel magnetoresistance and peculiarity of magnetization process of multilayer ferromagnetic nanoparticles
