
  • Launch of the “Alliance of Severo Ochoa Centres and Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence”

    The Secretary of State for R&D+i, Carmen Vela, chaired the kickoff meeting of the new Severo Ochoa and Maria Maeztu Alliance of Excellence. The alliance’s target is to internationally promote and strengthen the centres and units accredited with this distinction, to give their research a higher profile.

  • Grapheneak egoitza berria ireki du

    2010eko apirilean nanoGUNE eta inbertsore pribatu talde baten artean abiatutako start-up enpresaren egoitza berria ireki du Iñigo Urkullu Lehendakariak. Lantoki berriak 600 metro koadroko azalera hartzen du eta Gipuzkoako Zientzia eta Teknologia Parkean kokatua dago.

  • nanoGUNEk María de Maeztu saria eskuratu du

    Luis Hueso Ikerbasque Ikerlariak, nanoGUNEko Zuzendari Nagusi Jose M. Pitarkek lagunduta, Maria de Maeztu saria jaso du euskal nanozientzia ikerketa zentroaren izenean. Sari honek 500.000 euro urteko ekarriko ditu nanoGUNEra datozen lau urteetan.

  • 2017 Magnetism Roadmap

    With the co-authorship of nanoGUNE’s Nanomagnetism group leaders Dr. Andreas Berger and Dr. Paolo Vavassori, the Journal of Physics D – Applied Physics just published the 2017 Magnetism Roadmap. As a whole, the 2017 Magnetism Roadmap, which is an Open Access article, is intended to act as a reference point and guideline for emerging research directions in modern magnetism.

  • San Sebastian to the NSMB cover

    The Nanobiomechanics group of CIC nanoGUNE takes San Sebastian to the cover of Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. The picture introduces a research that infers the size of animals dating back 100-350 million years ago from resurrected proteins.

  • Electronic tailoring of graphene nanostructures via on-surface synthesis

    Eduard Carbonell, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the nanoimaging Group at CIC nanoGUNE, received his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on 28 July 2017. His research work, entitled “Electronic tailoring of graphene nanostructures via on-surface synthesis", has been developed under the supervision of Dr. José Ignacio Pascual, nanoimaging group leader.

  • Infrared nanospectroscopy and hyperspectral nanoimaging of organic matter

    Iban Amenabar, Pre-doctoral Researcher at the Nanooptics Group at CIC nanoGUNE, received his PhD at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) after the defense of his thesis project on 12 July 2017. His research work, entitled “ Infrared nanospectroscopy and hyperspectral nanoimaging of organic matter", has been developed under the supervision of Dr. Rainer Hillenbrand, Nanootpics group leader.

  • Duela 100-350 milioi urteko animalien tamaina deduzitu dute, haien proteinak berpiztuz

    CIC nanoGUNEko ikertzaile batzuek egindako ikerketa bat argitaratu du Nature Structural & Molecular Biology aldizkari entzutetsuak. Besteak beste, ugaztunen eta tetrapodo guztien arbaso komunaren titina-zatiak berreraiki dituzte esperimentalki, eta haien propietate mekanokimikoak neurtu ahal izan dituzte. Korrelazioa aurkitu dute nanoeskalan neurtutako proteinaren propietateen eta animalien tamainaren artean.

  • Etorkizuneko materialak 'topologikoak' izango dira

    Wolframio eta teluriozko geruza oso fin bat fisikariek 'isolatzaile topologiko' izenarekin ezagutzen duten material mota bitxia dela ikusi dute. Nature Physics aldizkariak argitaratu ditu CIC nanoGUNE partaide izan duen ikerketaren emaitzak. Bi dimentsioko material honek etorkizun handia izan dezake espintronikaren alor sortuberrian bere propietate fisikoei esker.

  • Ultra-compact phase modulators based on graphene plasmons

    A collaborative group of researchers achieve light phase modulation with a footprint 30 times smaller than the light wavelength.



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Itziar Otegui
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