Opening of nanoGUNE
On January 30 2009, the official opening of nanoGUNE was celebrated. The ceremony began at 11:00, followed by this series of speeches:
- Pedro M Echenique, President of nanoGUNE
- Jose M Pitarke, Director of nanoGUNE
- Carlos Martinez, State Secretary for Research
- Markel Olano, Major of the Gipuzkoa Council
- Juan J Ibarretxe, President of the Basque Country

A video with interviews to the members of the International Advisory Committee of nanoGUNE was projected. The ceremony was conducted by Pilar Kaltzada.
After Juan J. Ibarretxe’s speech, a plaque was engraved in situ with a laser machine. At this point, the building was officially inaugurated.
You can read Jose M Pitarke’s speech below.
As read: inaugurazioa.pdf
In English: inaugurazioa-en.pdf
In Basque: inaugurazioa-eu.pdf
In Spanish: inaugurazioa-es.pdf
Opening of nanoGUNE
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Opening of nanoGUNE
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Opening of nanoGUNE
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Opening of nanoGUNE
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