Business Culture Training Program 2020
Training on transversal skills plays an important role in the professional development of researchers. As part of its mission, nanoGUNE is committed with offering high level training to its researchers, specially to the younger ones. To achieve this, our research center offers the Business Culture Training Program.
All nanoGUNE researchers can join the trainings. However, priority will be given to 1) PhD students, 2) Postdocs, 3) Fellows, and 4) Group Leaders.
Take the step: from academia to industry
For many young researchers the knowledge and skills gained during the academia education are the foundation of a successful career in the private sector.
Nevertheless there are several hurdles that can stop young researchers from stepping into industry positions. These challenges range from a simple lack of knowledge of possible job options to practical challenges like how to prepare an appealing industrial resume or how to communicate in a job interview.
This training aims to aid the participants in overcoming these hurdles.
- Tuesday, 13 October: 9:30 - 13:00 h. Seminar room.
- Thursday, 15 October: 9:30 - 13:00 h. Seminar room.
- Thursday, 22 October: 1h individual sessions. TBD.
Language: English.
Content and methods:
The content is presented and trained using an interactive mix of methods, including small group exercises, discussion rounds, practical exercises and individual coaching.
- Broaden the spectrum: Career options for PhDs in industry.
- Transferable Skills: What are they? How to get them, how to show them?
- Apply to industry: The resume, letter, and further application documents.
- The job interview: How to prepare for it and how to succeed.
- Individual feedback and interview coaching for each participant.
Priority will be given to 3rd year predoctoral researchers (registered at a PhD program in 2018).
Oral Communication Skills
Bright ideas, great initiatives and promising projects can depend significantly on how they are presented. In this training the participants further develop their skills in preparing and delivering top quality presentations, as well as in communicating with different audiences.
When and where:
- Wednesday, 21 October: 9:30 - 14 h. Seminar room.
- Wednesday, 28 October: 9:30 - 13h. Seminar room.
- Wednesday, 4 November: 30 minutes Individual sessions. TBD.
- Thursday, 5 November: 9:30 - 13:00 h. Seminar room.
Language: English
Content and methods:
The topic will be regarded from all perspectives to achieve a broad skill set development, and will be presented and trained using an interactive mix of methods, including small group exercises, discussion rounds and practical exercises.
- Prepare and structure a short scientific presentation and develop professional presentation material.
- Learn about different audiences and adapt the presentation, its content and message accordingly.
- Use body language and voice successfully during the presentation.
- Get to know and practice different Stress Management Techniques.
- React professionally to questions and feedback after the presentation.
- Formulate professional Questions in an Q&A Session.
- Write and practice a short topic pitch to shortly summarize your work and gain the listeners interest.
The training includes individual feedback sessions to achieve the maximum learning effect.
Priority will be given to 1st year predoctoral researchers (registered at a PhD program in 2020).
Idea generation and realization: creativity for Business and Start-ups
The use of creativity in a practical way, the ability to think out of the box and fin new ideas is essential for any scientist. Simple techniques and creative practices can lead to an increase in ideas, both for scientific projects as well as entrepreneurial ones. Thus the development of creativitu as a skill plays an essential role in the participants further career opportunities.
The goal of the "Idea generation and realization" course is to introduce these creative techniques and apply them in a practical situation. The participants will become familiar with the creative process and learn how to develop, practice and use their own creative skills.
When and where:
- Wednesday, 11 November: 9:30 - 13:00 h. Seminar room.
- Thursday, 12 November: 9:30 - 13:00 h. Seminar room.
- November13,18: Individual or group session to be coordinated with Tech Transfer Manager. TBD
- Thursday, 19 November: 9:30 - 13:00 h. Seminar room.
Language: English
Content and methods:
The content is presented and trained using an interactive mix of methods, including small group exercises, discussion rounds, practical exercises and applying the knowledge acquired to writing their project.
- The creative process.
- Own creative abilities.
- Thinking out of the box techniques and how to include them in daily research work.
- How to bring ideas into action.
- How to become an entrepreneur.
- The business model.
Priority will be given to 2nd year predoctoral researchers (registered at a PhD program in 2019).
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |