Quantum centric HPC in action: tensor-network enhanced multi-product formulas for Hamiltonian time evolution


Sergiy Zhuk




DIPC Josebe Olarra Seminar Room


Javier Aizpurua

This seminar is part of the BasQ-IBM Quantum Research Seminar series

We introduce a novel algorithm that combines tensor networks and quantum computation to produce results that are more accurate than what could be achieved by either method used in isolation. Our algorithm is based on multiproduct formulas (MPF) - a technique that linearly
combines Trotter product formulas to reduce algorithmic error. It uses a quantum computer to calculate the expectation values and tensor networks to calculate the coefficients used in the linear combination. We present a detailed error analysis of the algorithm and demonstrate the full workflow on a one dimensional quantum simulation problem on 50 qubits using two IBM quantum computers: ibm_torino and ibm_kyiv.