International advisory committee
NanoGUNE has an International Advisory Committee composed of renowned experts that holds annual meetings and gives advice on specific issues when needed. The Committee advises nanoGUNE on appointments of scientific staff and contributes to the periodic evaluation of the general performance of the center.
Members of the International Advisory Committee are:
- Prof. Sir John B. Pendry (Chairman), Imperial College, London, UK
- Prof. Emilio Mendez, Center for Functional Nanomaterials, Brookhaven Nat. Lab., NY, USA
- Prof. Anne Dell, Imperial College, London, UK
- Dr. José Maiz, Intel Fellow, Intel, Oregon, USA
- Prof. John Pethica, CRANN, Dublin, Ireland, and University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
- Prof. Jean Marie Lehn (Chemistry Nobel Prize, 1987), Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
Former members:
- Prof. Marileen Dogterom, AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Prof. Heinrich Rohrer (1933-2013) (Physics Nobel Prize, 1986), Switzerland
Organization chart
The global management and organization of nanoGUNE are described in the organization chart.
Funding Agencies
Since its foundation in 2006, nanoGUNE has obtained an important amount of competitive funding from the local Governments, Industry, and the European Union.