nanoGUNE summer interns successfully complete their apprenticeship in nanoscience.
In an event that brought together students, tutors and staff of the research center, nanoGUNE interns ended their two-month immersion in the fascinating world of nanoscience.

The farewell ceremony took place in the nanoGUNE seminar room, where each intern had the opportunity to present the results and achievements obtained during their stay. With a limit of 10-15 minutes per presentation, the students highlighted the projects they had worked on and the discoveries they had made in the field of nanoscience.
After the presentation session, both the students and their tutors met in a more relaxed atmosphere over a shared lunch. This time allowed both the interns and their tutors to say goodbye in a more informal setting.
The interns close this chapter with the memory of having "met wonderful people" and feeling "part of something bigger being done here."