nanoGUNE 5 years

The Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center CIC nanoGUNE opened its doors on 30 January 2009. Five years later, we would like to celebrate our anniversary with the local scientific community and the general public. We have organized two events that will take place on 30 January 2014 at the nanoGUNE headquarters in the city of San Sebastian: a scientific workshop and an OpenLab event.

The scientific workshop, open to the local scientific community, will consist of a number of invited lectures in the morning and a poster session in the afternoon. In the poster session, some of our very best recently obtained results will be shared with the participants.

The OpenLab event is aiming at opening the doors of the nanoworld and nanoGUNE to the general public. First of all, Prof. Felix Yndurain, professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid, will be giving a lecture about the impact of nanoscience and nanotechnology on emerging energy technologies in a talk entitled “Nanoscience and future energy technologies”. After the lecture, the participants will have the opportunity to visit our state-of-the-art laboratories. Everyone (also you) is invited to attend this OpenLab event.