International Day of Women and Girls in Science

International Day of Women and Girls in Science
From to

In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly decided in 2016 to declare 11th February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

From the 8th to the 10th of February, nanoGUNE celebrates that day, organizing a series of events which aim to bring visibility to the activities of women in Nanoscience, to break with the archetypical masculine roles usually attributed to science and technology, and encourage scientific careers choices among girls and teenagers.


1. Do you know any women in science?

February 8, 9:45

This is a workshop for girls and boys between 9 and 10 years old. The female researchers of nanoGUNE will lead different activities to highlight the role of women in science over history and perform science demonstrations. The workshop will have a duration of 2 hours.

This year, around 40 students from Ibai Ikastola will participate in this workshop.

2. Workshop: Women in Nanoscience

February 9, 14:30

This workshop is targeted to the scientific community of nanoGUNE. We will host internationally outstanding female researchers in the field of Nanoscience, who will present their scientific work. Finally, they will participate in a roundtable, where the specific challenges that women face over their scientific careers will be discussed.


Registration form [Deadline for registration: 6 February - 14:30]

3. Science is indeed a girls' thing.

February 10, 17:30

This is a workshop for secondary school students. Lead by the nanoGUNE female researchers, the teenagers will have an opportunity to be “scientists for a day” and perform hands-on experiments in Nanoscience. Parents permission is requested to participate in this workshop.

Registration form (Spanish & Basque only)


Additional information about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science:


Reyes Calvo

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