

08:00 Registration

08:30 Welcome

08:45 SAMOKEM. “Quantitative Magneto-Optical Characterization of Diffusive Reflected Light from Rough Steel Samples Acquired with the SAMOKEM Tool”, J. Gonzalez (nanoGUNE)

09:15 POLYMERS. “PU/acrylic waterborne hybrid adhesives: Structure and properties”, P. Carretero (UPV/EHU-POLYMAT) and G. Martinez-Rugerio (CFM)

09:45 PHOTON. “Scattering and Near-field of infrared nanoantennas”, P. Alonso (nanoGUNE)

10:15 BASKRETE. “Shear deformations in the C-S-H gel: understanding the molecular mechanism of creep”, H. Manzano (UPV/EHU)

10:45 GRAPHENE. “Exfoliation of graphene oxide using ionic liquids: experimental and molecular modelling approach”, B. Coto (IK4-TEKNIKER)


11:15 Coffee Break – poster session


11:30 EnergiGUNE, Teófilo Rojo

12:15 Microgune, Enrique Castaño


13:00 Lunch – poster session


15:00 SAMOKEM. “Focused electron beam induced deposition and magneto-optical magnetometry of cobalt nano-structures”, O. Idigoras (nanoGUNE)

15:30 POLYMERS. “Nanostructuring of thermosetting matrices with different block copolymers”, G. Kortaberria (UPV/EHU-GMT)

16:00 PHOTON. “Influence ofQuantum effects on Plasmonic systems”, R. Esteban (CFM-DIPC)


16:30 Coffee break – poster session


16:45 BASKRETE. “Theoretical 29Si NMR in hydrated Portland cement”, P. Rejmak (DIPC)

17:15 GRAPHENE. “Water-borne graphene/polymer composites: colloidal stability issues”, A. Arzac (UPV/EHU-POLYMAT)

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