nanoGUNE and its spin-offs will be represented at the Nanomercosur event
The 5th edition of Nanomercosur is taking place from 6 to 8 October in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and nanoGUNE and its spin-off companies will be represented in the Brokerage event and the nanoBasque space of the exhibition area.

The Nanomercosur event will bring together researchers, technologists, and business men in the area of nanotechnology in Argentina and in the rest of the world market. The 2015 edition will have an exhibition of companies and institutions of R&D that will present innovative projects as well as conferences on Nanotechnology. The nanoBasque Agency has been invited by the Argentinian government to take part in this important event, and it will be present in the exhibition area, the Brokerage event and the conferences.
Cristina Oyón, Manager of Strategic Initiatives of Spri, the Basque Business Development Agency, will participate with a talk about "Nanotecnology in the smart specialization strategy RIS· of the Basque Country". Oyón is in charge of the definition, implementation, communication, follow up and evaluation of the technology and business development strategies of the Basque government.
Amaia Martinez, manager of the nanoBasque Agency (Spri), will focus on the "Regulatory aspects of nanosafety in Spain and the European Union" and will present the EHS Advance initiative. Martinez is in charge of the definition, implementation, communication, follow up and evaluation of the nanoBasque Strategy. The objective of this strategy is the introduction of micro and nanotechnologies in Basque companies in order to improve their competitiveness within the main economic sectors and promote the diversity of the Basque industrial fabric.
The Brokerage Event of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) will be held on 8 October. The EEN is a flagship program of the European Union aimed at providing support to SMEs and research centers in the area of innovation, both in countries of Europe and other important markets. The Brokerage Event gives the opportunity to organize short meetings between different companies in order to identify common interests and cooperation opportunities. The nanoBasque Agency will represent nanoGUNE and two of its spin-off companies, Simune and Ctech-nano, in this event.