HR Excellence in Research
In November 2019, nanoGUNE is aknowledged with the 'HR Excellence in Research" award, which reflects our commitment to continuously improve our human resources policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (ECRCC), notably our commitment to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures. Throughout the process of obtaining this aknosledgement, nanoGUNE has identified various strengths and weaknesses (see the Internal Gap Analysis) and has developed an Action Plan in order to develop pertinent actions to improve on the most relevant issues.

Organization chart
The global management and organization of nanoGUNE are described in the organization chart.
Funding Agencies
Since its foundation in 2006, nanoGUNE has obtained an important amount of competitive funding from the local Governments, Industry, and the European Union.