Nanodevices - Revista - Journal of Physical Chemistry C
1. K. Bairagi, A. Bellec, C. Fourmental, O. Iasco, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, F. Choueikani, E. Otero, P. Ohresser, P. Sainctavit, M. Boillot, T. Mallah and V. Repain
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 727 (2018)
Temperature-, Light-, and Soft X-ray-Induced Spin Crossover in a Single Layer of Fe-II-Pyrazolylborate Molecules in Direct Contact with Gold
2. V. Cuenca-Gotor, J. Sans, J. Ibanez, C. Popescu, O. Gomis, R. Vilaplana, F. Manjon, A. Leonardo, E. Sagasta, A. Suarez-Alcubilla, I. Gurtubay, M. Mollar and A. Bergara
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 19340 (2016)
Structural, Vibrational, and Electronic Study of alpha-As2Te3 under Compression