PHD program
NanoGUNE offers a complete PhD program to graduate students from all around the world who wish to start a research career in a nanoscience-related field at a top international research institution.
We offer basic and applied research projects within one of our 10 research groups. These projects are often developed in collaboration with other research institutions (co-supervised PhD) or companies (industrial PhD).
We offer competitive fellowships (in the framework of our own research grants) and we also encourange interested candidates to apply for individual government grants.
We encourage and support the attendance to conferences and workshops as well as research stays in the framework of international collaborations with research centers and universities worldwide.
NanoGUNE's PhD program offers a rigorous scientific training, a close supervision, regular scientific seminars and colloquia, a transferable-skills training program on Business Culture, and a mid-term conversation program involving specific advice and mentoring, allways with the objective to enable a diverse career path in academia and/or industry.
NanoGUNE closely collaborates with the "Physics of Nanostructures and Advances Materials (PNAM)" PhD program offered by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU); most (but not all) of nanoGUNE's PhD students are doing their PhD within this program. All the information related to the registration process and regulations is available at the UPV/EHU Doctoral School.
The Basque Government and the Spanish Government publish annually the calls for applications for scholarships and pre-doctoral grants. Moreover, nanoGUNE also participates in other public and private calls. The information about these calls is published on their website, and you can also find information about them on the Internet. We also try to publish updated information on our website when new calls are open.
If you wish, we can also inform you about these calls ourselves. To do so, you can contact us by writing to
Master projects
No open positions

NanoGUNE collaborates with the PCAM (Physics and chemistry of advanced materials) European Doctorate program , which offers international doctoral research opportunities at the interface of Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science.